JMP Start Statistics: A Guide to Statistics and Data Analysis Using JMP, Sixth Edition

  • 7h 34m
  • Ann Lehman, John Sall, Mia Stephens
  • SAS Institute
  • 2017

This book provides hands-on tutorials with just the right amount of conceptual and motivational material to illustrate how to use the intuitive interface for data analysis in JMP. Each chapter features concept-specific tutorials, examples, brief reviews of concepts, step-by-step illustrations, and exercises.

Updated for JMP 13, JMP Start Statistics, Sixth Edition includes many new features, including:

  • The redesigned Formula Editor.
  • New and improved ways to create formulas in JMP directly from the data table or dialogs.
  • Interface updates, including improved menu layout.
  • Updates and enhancements in many analysis platforms.
  • New ways to get data into JMP and to save and share JMP results.
  • Many new features that make it easier to use JMP.

About the Authors

John Sall is a co-founder of SAS Institute Inc., where he currently serves as the Executive Vice President and the head of the JMP Business Division. He received a bachelor's degree from Beloit College and a master's degree from Northern Illinois University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from North Carolina State University in 2003. John has held several positions in the Statistical Computing Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and was named an ASA Fellow in 1998.

Mia Stephens is a member of the JMP Academic Team. Prior to joining SAS, she taught statistics at University of New Hampshire and was a statistical trainer, consultant, founding partner of the North Haven Group. A co-author of four books, she has developed training materials, taught and consulted within a variety of industries.

Ann Lehman, PhD, joined SAS Institute in 1979 and is retired and working as a JMP consultant doing applications programming and statistical documentation. She has been working with JMP since its inception in 1988. A co-author of JMP for Basic Univariate and Multivariate Statistics: Methods for Researchers and Social Scientists, Second Edition, and JMP Start Statistics, Ann has a diverse background that includes editing and writing SAS user's guides, writing and teaching SAS courses, and serving as technical editor of the JMPer Cable, JMP's technical newsletter.

Sheila Loring is Manager of Technical Writing in JMP with over 18 years of experience in the technical communication field. She writes JMP documentation, edits the JMPer Cable newsletter, streamlines technical authoring systems, and serves as Associate Fellow for the Society for Technical Communication professional organization.

In this Book

  • Preliminaries
  • Getting Started with JMP
  • Data Tables, Reports, and Scripts
  • Formula Editor
  • What are Statistics?
  • Simulations
  • Univariate Distributions: One Variable, One Sample
  • The Difference Between two Means
  • Comparing Many Means: One-Way Analysis of Variance
  • Fitting Curves through Points: Regression
  • Categorical Distributions
  • Categorical Models
  • Multiple Regression
  • Fitting Linear Models
  • Design of Experiments
  • Bivariate and Multivariate Relationships
  • Exploratory Modeling
  • Control Charts and Capability
  • Mechanics of Statistics


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