ISD From The Ground Up: A NoNonsense Approach to Instructional Design, 4th Edition

  • 5h 20m
  • Chuck Hodell PhD
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2015

Don’t leave course design to trial and error.

Is trial and error a key pathway to instructional systems design (ISD)? Does success come only to experienced designers with expert instincts? Prior to the 2000 publication of ISD From the Ground Up, it certainly appeared that way to instructional designers just learning the ropes. Chuck Hodell set out to change that.

Known as “the man who wrote the book on ISD—literally,” Hodell developed a comprehensive and practical handbook on core ISD practices and principles with a practitioner’s eye. His definitive guide is an industry staple currently found on the bookshelves of experienced instructional designers and university students alike.

This updated fourth edition covers all the basics and many advanced tenets important to working professionals, especially those entering the field. Stand-alone chapters offer crucial support to practitioners building foundational skills, while in-depth tutorials and rich insights guide the credentialed designer.

At a time when skillful curriculum development is valued more than ever, ISD From the Ground Up offers a refresher on objectives, design plans, lesson plans, and even what it takes to facilitate a focus group. Updated with new chapters and an expanded glossary of terms, it delves into skills and practices essential to the success of today’s in-demand curriculum developer.

About the Author

Chuck Hodell has been writing, practicing, and teaching instructional systems design for many years. His books and articles have earned him the title of "The Man Who Wrote the Book on ISD." His bestselling four editions of ISD From the Ground Up and his SMEs From the Ground Up books are used internationally both in academic settings and in the practice of instructional design. He is also the author of many ATD Infolines, TD magazine articles, Best on ISD and is an ASTD Handbook contributor. He has appeared in ATD videos and participated in numerous online and ATD international conferences, including teaching preconference programs in ISD.Hodell has designed thousands of training programs for the White House, major corporations, nonprofits, numerous apprenticeship programs as well as assisting clients in Egypt, Africa, Europe, and other locations around the world.He presently serves as affiliate professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and associate director and faculty of the Learning and Performance Technology master's program at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Hodell served as deputy provost at the National Labor College and has held faculty positions at Antioch University and other institutions. He presently serves as the academic advisor for the Instructor Certification Program at the International Masonry Training and Education Foundation.Hodell holds a PhD in language, literacy and culture from UMBC, a master’s degree in ISD from UMBC, and an undergraduate degree from Antioch University.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • ISD Practices and Principles
  • A Brief History of ISD
  • The Differing Roles of Instructional Designers
  • ADDIE and Other ISD Models
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation in the Practice of Instructional Design
  • Objectives
  • Design Plan
  • Lesson Plan
  • ISD Project Work Flow
  • The Adult Learner
  • Informal Learning
  • Designing for Academic Credit
  • Technology, Distance Learning, and Social Media
  • The Content Mastery Continuum and the Mastery Tipping Point
  • Quality Control in ISD
  • The Criticality Approach to Content Selection
  • Competency-Based Design and Evaluation
  • How to Conduct Focus Groups
  • Working Effectively With Subject Matter Experts
  • Teaching ISD
  • Improving Your Design Skills
  • Glossary
  • References