IPv6 Advanced Protocols Implementation

  • 16h 17m
  • Keiichi Shima, Qing Li, Tatuya Jinmei
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2007

This book is the second installment of a two-volume series on IPv6 and the KAME implementation. This book discusses those protocols that are found in more capable IPv6 devices, are commonly deployed in more complex IPv6 network environments, or are not specific to IPv6 but are extended to support IPv6. Specifically, this book engages the readers in advanced topics such as routing, multicasting, DNS, DHCPv6, mobility, and security. This two-volume series covers a wide spectrum of the IPv6 technology, help the readers establish solid and empirical understanding on IPv6 and the KAME reference implementation paralleled by none.

Key Features:

  • Extensive code listings with meticulous line-by-line explanation of rationale and use for KAME snapshot implementations on advanced IPv6 related protocols, including: -Unicast and multicast routing and DNS client based on KAME snapshot dated April 2003, which are a base of more recent versions of BSD variants -Mobile IPv6 based on KAME snapshot dated July 2004, a predecessor version of the "SHISA" implementation -DHCPv6 based on KAME snapshot dated May 2005, a base of the WIDE-DHCPv6 implementation available at SourceForge today
  • Numerous diagrams and illustrations help in visualizing the implementation
  • In-depth discussion of the standards provides intrinsic understanding of the specifications
  • An introduction to the IP security protocols along with the use of the racoon key exchange daemon

About the Authors

Li, Qing is a senior architect at Blue Coat Systems, Inc. leading the design and development efforts of the next-generation IPv6 enabled secure proxy appliances. Prior to joining Blue Coat Systems, Qing spent 8 years at Wind River Systems, Inc. as a senior architect in the Networks Business Unit, where he was the lead architect of Wind River's embedded IPv6 products since the IPv6 program inception at the beginning of 2000. Qing holds multiple U.S. patents. Qing is a contributing author of the book titled Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems published in June of 2005 by Springer-Verlag. He is also the author of the embedded systems development book titled Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems published in April of 2003 by CMP Books. Qing participates in open source development projects and is an active FreeBSD src committer.

Jinmei, Tatuya, PhD, is a research scientist at Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation (Jinmei is his family name, which he prefers is presented first according to the Japanese convention). He had been a core developer of the KAME project since the launch of the project through its conclusion. In 2003, he received his PhD degree from Keio University, Japan, based on his work at KAME. He also coauthored three RFCs on IPv6 through his activity in KAME. His research interests spread over various fields of the Internet and IPv6, including routing, DNS, and multicasting.

Shima, Keiichi is a senior researcher at Internet Initiative Japan Inc. His research area is IPv6 and IPv6 mobility. He was a core developer of the KAME project from 2001 to the end of the project and developed Mobile IPv6/NEMO Basic Support protocol stack. He is now working on the new mobility stack (the SHISA stack) for BSD operating systems that is a completely restructured mobility stack.

In this Book

  • IPv6 Unicast Routing Protocols
  • IPv6 Multicasting
  • DNS for IPv6
  • DHCPv6
  • Mobile IPv6
  • IPv6 and IP Security
  • References


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