iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 8th editon
- 1h 56m
- Nick Vandome
- In Easy Steps Limited
- 2021
iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 8th edition is now updated to cover all iPhones with iOS 15. It’ll show you how to:
- Make and receive calls and send messages.
- Use FaceTime to make video calls, and have fun sharing music or video clips on FaceTime calls.
- Find apps to stay healthy, shop online, plan your vacation, get instant news, and keep on top of everyday tasks.
- Make secure payments using your iPhone.
In this Book
Your New iPhone
Starting to use your iPhone
Head in the iCloud
Calls and Contacts
Typing and Texts
Camera and Photos
The Online World
Hands on with Apps
Apps for Every Day
On the Go
Practical Matters