Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering, Second Edition

  • 6h 35m
  • Kirt Williams, Nadim Maluf
  • Artech House
  • 2004

Bring professionals up to date with the latest developments in MEMS technology, this major revision of the best-selling An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering offers a current understanding of this cutting-edge technology. Readers gain practical knowledge of MEMs materials, design, and manufacturing, and learn how it is being applied in industrial, optical, medical, and electronic markets. This second edition features brand new sections on RF MEMS, optical MEMS, micromachining of materials other than silicon, reliability analysis, plus an expanded reference list. With an emphasis on commercialized products, this unique resource helps practitioners;

  • Realize the capabilities and limitations of MEMS devices and processes;
  • Understand how other applications and companies have benefited from MEMS;
  • Determine whether an application can benefit from a MEMS solution;
  • Select and define a manufacturable MEMS process for a given application;
  • Communicate the relative merits of MEMS to management;
  • Use MEMS technology to enable new functionality, improve performance, and reduce size and cost.

From critical discussions on design, operation, and process fabrication of devices and systems, to a thorough explanation of MEMS packaging, this easy-to-understand book clearly explains the basics of MEMS engineering, making it an invaluable reference for professionals working in the field.

About the Authors

Nadim Maluf is vice president of New Focus, Inc. and a consulting professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University. Prior to joining New Focus, he was head of research and development at NovaSensor. A best-selling author in the area of MEMS technology, Dr. Maluf earned his Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Stanford University and his M.S. in electrical engineering at the California Institute of Technology.

Kirt Williams is a senior scientist at Science Applications International Corporation. Formerly, he was a member of the technical staff at Agilent Technologies and at NovaSensor. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in electrical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of numerous papers on MEM devices and fabrication processes.

In this Book

  • MEMS: A Technology From Lilliput
  • Materials for MEMS
  • Processes for Micromachining
  • MEM Structures and Systems in Industrial and Automotive Applications
  • MEM Structures and Systems in Photonic Applications
  • MEMS Applications in Life Sciences
  • MEM Structures and Systems in RF Applications
  • Packaging and Reliability Considerations for MEMS