Introduction to IT Project Management

  • 6h 57m
  • Cynthia Snyder, Frank Parth
  • Management Concepts
  • 2007

Easy-to-understand guidance for everyone in the IT project management environment! Introduction to IT Project Management provides IT project managers the practical tools needed to maintain daily operations while managing multiple projects. This valuable reference helps IT project managers, CIOs, and project sponsors understand the IT project environment so that projects can be managed much more efficiently and successfully. Topics include:

  • How projects assist an organization in meeting its strategic objectives
  • The discipline of project management and its role in organizations
  • Initiating and planning projects
  • Estimating project cost and time requirements
  • Determining availability of resources
  • Analyzing relevant risks
  • Developing a realistic, final schedule or budget
  • Selecting a competent project team
  • Identifying stakeholders and defining their quality parameters and communication needs
  • Monitoring and controlling projects
  • Change management
  • Project audit and closure

PLUS — You’ll follow a case study and IT examples throughout the text that demonstrate how key concepts are applied in practice. Also included are suggested forms and techniques for using software.

About the Authors

Cynthia Snyder, PMP, MBA, is a professional project management consultant, instructor, and author. She provides consulting and training services to government and private industry. Her consulting focuses on project management maturity, PMO startups, and positioning project management as a core competency for organizations.

Cyndi has experience in training in the corporate, public, and academic environment. Clients have included IBM, Kaiser, Toyota, and Southern California Edison. In an academic environment, she has taught online and in the classroom for UC Irvine, CalTech, and USC.

She has written two books on project management and has been the technical editor on many others.

Cyndi is an active volunteer with the Project Management Institute. She is the project manager for the 2008 editions of the PMBOK Guide and the Standard for Program Management. In the past she has served on the Standards Member Advisory Group and was Chair of the Chapter Leadership Development and Excellence Committee for 2003–2005. She was President of the PMI Orange County Chapter for 2001 and 2002. In 2002 she received the award for Outstanding Chapter President of the Year. Cyndi is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and earned her master’s in business administration from Pepperdine University.

Frank Parth, MS, MSSM, MBA, PMP, is the President of Project Auditors, LLC, a project management consulting, training, and auditing company. After ending a career in aerospace as the assistant technical director on a $12 billion satellite program, he branched out in 1993 and began consulting in technology management to major U.S. companies, national governments, and the U.N. He was CTO for a small but successful e-commerce company, headed up systems engineering at TRW Information Systems during a major infrastructure upgrade, and created PMOs for several major corporations. He taught systems analysis and management at the Graduate School at the University of Southern California, has been an instructor at the University of California, Irvine PM Certificate program since 1994, and has taught at the Claremont Graduate School. Mr. Parth has undergraduate and graduate degrees in physics, a master’s in systems management from USC, and an MBA from the Peter F.Drucker Graduate School of Management. He has published numerous papers on project management and systems engineering and is an international speaker. He has been in Who’s Who in the United States and Who’s Who in the World for many years. He is active in PMI, serving on various committees both at the local and at the national level and is the 2006 Chair for PMI’s Consulting SIG.

In this Book

  • Projects and Operations
  • Organizational Structure and the Strategic Role of Project Management
  • Project Processes, Phases, and Life Cycles
  • Project Management Plan Elements
  • Initiating and Planning Project Scope
  • Creating the Work Breakdown Structures and Project Schedule
  • Developing the Project Team
  • Quality Management
  • Project Communications
  • Project Risk
  • Finalizing the Schedule and Budget
  • Project Execution
  • Project Monitoring and Control
  • Project Audit and Closure


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