Introduction To Game Development Using Processing

  • 5h 54m
  • James R. Parker
  • Mercury Learning
  • 2015

This book will guide you through the basic game development process, covering game development topics including graphics, sound, artificial intelligence, animation, game engines, Web-based games, etc. Real games will be created, and significant parts of a game engine will be built and made available for download. Processing is a free, graphics-oriented language that provides the basic functionality needed for building games and runs on all major platforms. Moreover, it allows games to be built for desktop computers, HTML 5, and Android.


  • Teaches basic game development including graphics, sound, artificial intelligence, animation, game engines, Web-based games, and more
  • Create a small collection of complete computer games developed throughout the book
  • Uses Processing, a free, downloadable platform with a frame by frame display scheme that is perfect for computer games

About the Author

J.R. Parker is a professor of Art Digital Media at the University of Calgary. His areas of research include computer games and media art, computer simulation, and educational technology. Dr. Parker is the author of The Guide to Simulations and Games (Wiley) and Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision, Second Edition (Wiley).

In this Book

  • Introduction to Game Development Using Processing
  • Introduction to How Games Work
  • Graphics and Images in Processing
  • Sound
  • Hockey Pong: A 2D Game
  • Graphics in Three Dimensions
  • Game AI: Collisions
  • Navigation and Control
  • A 3D Game Example
  • The Web and HTML5 Games
  • Animation
  • Android Handheld Devices
  • About the CD-ROM