Introducing .NET 4.0: With Visual Studio 2010

  • 5h 42m
  • Alex Mackey
  • Apress
  • 2010

Microsoft is introducing a large number of changes to the way that the .NET Framework operates. Familiar technologies are being altered, best practices replaced, and developer methodologies adjusted. Many developers find it hard to keep up with the pace of change across .NET's ever-widening array of technologies. You may know what's happening in C#, but how about the Azure cloud? How is that going to affect your work? What are the limitations of the new pLINQ syntax? What you need is a roadmap. A guide to help you see the innovations that matter and to give you a head start on the opportunities available in the new framework.

Introducing .NET 4.0: with Visual Studio 2010 is designed to provide you with just that roadmap. It serves as a no-nonsense primer that will help experienced .NET developers understand the impact of the new framework and its associated technologies. This book will keep you updated on the changes and help you to seize new opportunities confidently and quickly.

What you'll learn

  • Get an overview and brief history of each new or changing technology that puts it into context
  • Familiarize yourself with key concepts and opportunities through highly accessible tutorials
  • Understand how to perform common tasks in new technology areas such as pLINQ
  • Gain expert performance tips
  • See examples of real-world applications of each technology to help you learn how a technology can be put to work

About the Author

Alex Mackey is an experienced ASP.NET/SQL Server consultant who has been working with .NET since version 1.0. Alex started out programming when he was 12 on the Amiga with a hobbyist program called Amos before moving into ASP/VB6 development whilst studying at university. Shortly after graduating with 1st class honours Alex moved into the .NET/Sql Server world where he has remained for the last eight years.

Most recently Alex has led development on a number of complex health care applications and has been lucky enough to work around the world in the Middle East, America and Ireland. Alex is active in the development community and set up and runs the .NET user group He is a Microsoft C# MVP.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Visual Studio IDE and MEF
  • Language and Dynamic Changes
  • CLR and BCL Changes
  • Parallelization and Threading Enhancements
  • Windows Workflow Foundation 4
  • Windows Communication Foundation
  • Entity Framework
  • WCF Data Services
  • Microsoft AJAX Library
  • jQuery
  • Silverlight Introduction
  • WPF 4.0 and Silverlight 3.0
  • Windows Azure


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