Introducing Bootstrap 4

  • 2h 3m
  • Jörg Krause
  • Apress
  • 2016

Learn how to use the front end CSS framework Bootstrap 4 to create powerful web applications. You'll work with all the components of Bootstrap 4 using easy-to-follow instructions and example code snippets. You'll also use Bootstrap 4 for typography, forms, and modules, and see how to structure your page and your code to be optimally efficient.

CSS frameworks give front end developers the capability to create responsible or adaptive web designs that overcome the various variations of modern browsers. Bootstrap is the leading CSS framework and gives developers a unique way to create responsive web sites.

What You'll Learn

  • Understand the basics about responsive web design using CSS3
  • Install and use the SASS framework
  • Use the templates and themes market for Bootstrap

Who This Book Is For

This book is for developers of web applications who already know how to use CSS and JavaScript and want to explore the capabilities of a framework to increase productivity.

About the Author

Jörg Krause has been working with software and software technology since the early 1980s, beginning with a ZX 81 and taking his first steps as a programmer in BASIC and assembly language. He studied Information Technology at Humboldt University, Berlin in the 90s but left early to start his own company. He has worked with Internet Technology and software development since the early days when CompuServe and FidoNet dominated. He’s been with Microsoft technologies and software since Windows 95. In 1998, he worked on one of the first commercial e-commerce solutions, and wrote his first book in Germany, E-Commerce and Online Marketing, published by Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich.

Due to its wide success, he started working as a freelance consultant and author in order to share his experience and knowledge with others. He has written several books for Apress, Hanser, Addison Wesley and other major publishers along with several self-published books―a total of over 60 titles. He also publishes articles in magazines and speaks at major conferences in Germany. Currently, Joerg works as an independent consultant, software developer, and author in Berlin, Germany.

In this Book

  • It Begins with CSS
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Structure of the Page
  • Typography
  • Forms
  • Additional Modules
  • Components
  • Active Components