Into the Storm: Lessons in Teamwork from the Treacherous Sydney to Hobart Ocean Race

  • 5h 16m
  • Dennis N.T. Perkins, Jillian B. Murphy
  • 2013

The Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is among the most demanding sailing competitions in the world. Unpredictable seas make the 628-nautical-mile course grueling under the best conditions, but the 1998 race proved to be the most perilous to date when a sudden and violent storm struck. Winds gusted over 100 mph and monstrous 80-foot waves towered over boat masts. Six sailors perished and another 55 were saved in what became the largest search and rescue operation in Australia's history. In the face of turmoil and tragedy, a crew of "amateur" sailors piloted their tiny vessel, the AFR Midnight Rambler, not only to the finish but to overall victory. While bigger, better-equipped yachts attempted to maneuver around the storm, Ed Psaltis and his crew made the daring decision to head directly into its path. Their triumph-perhaps even their survival-owes itself to an extraordinary level of teamwork: an alchemy of cooperation, trust, planning, and execution. Into the Storm chronicles their nearly four-day ordeal and draws parallels to the world of business, revealing 10 critical strategies for teamwork at the edge. Illustrated with examples from the story and compelling case studies, the book sheds light on what teams need to do to succeed in tough times. Finally, Into the Storm provides resources and tools to support teams as they navigate the chaotic seas of business today.

About the Authors

Dennis N. T. Perkins is Chief Executive Officer of The Syncretics Group. He has worked for over twenty-five years as an advisor to senior leaders in organizations ranging from Fortune 100 corporations to nonprofit associations. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, he served as a Marine infantry officer in Vietnam, subsequently receiving his MBA from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in psychology at The University of Michigan.

While a faculty member at the Yale University School of Management, he developed a breakthrough leadership approach based on the study of groups facing The Edge—the outer limits of human endurance. By studying The Edge, he believes, “leaders can learn what it takes to help their organizations achieve their greatest potential. And they can remember these principles when they are stretched, stressed, and challenged to the limit.”

He has written extensively on leadership and organizational effectiveness and is the author of Managing Creation: The Challenge of Building a New Organization and “Race to the South Pole” in The Encyclopedia of Leadership.

Jillian B. Murphy is Director of Client Services at The Syncretics Group. Jillian graduated magna cum laude from the University of Connecticut and received her MA in Industrial / Organizational Psychology at the University of New Haven. She has studied, worked, and volunteered extensively in Cape Town, South Africa. She has worked with the Networking HIV/AIDS Community of South Africa, the African National Congress Women’s League, and the Department of Epidemiology and Health at Yale University.

In this Book

  • The Everest of Ocean Racing
  • The Patriarch of a Sailing Family
  • Nuzulu and the Start of a Winning Team
  • The Midnight Rambler—A One-Off Boat
  • The Ramblers—Run-Up to the Race
  • The Aussie Competitors
  • Sayonara—The Big Yank Tank
  • Uncertain Weather—Buster or Bomb?
  • AFR Midnight Rambler—And They’re Away!
  • Sayonara—The Best Professional Sailors on the Planet
  • AFR Midnight Rambler—Smokin’
  • Sayonara—Temporary Humility
  • An Ominous Forecast—Storm Warning
  • AFR Midnight Rambler—Hard or Squishy?
  • VC Offshore Stand Aside—A Twist of Fate
  • Rescue from the Sky—Angels on Winches
  • AFR Midnight Rambler—Hell on White Water
  • AFR Midnight Rambler—Sharing the Helm
  • Sword of Orion—Out of Control
  • General Mayday—An Official Catastrophe
  • AFR Midnight Rambler—Listen to That
  • Sayonara—Tack the Boat
  • AFR Midnight Rambler—A Commanding Position
  • Sayonara—A Thousand Years
  • Go the Rambler!
  • Wake of the Storm
  • Blue Water, Short Ocean—The Ramblers’ Record of Sustained Success
  • Introduction to the Strategies
  • The Research Challenge
  • My Hobart
  • Team Unity
  • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
  • Balanced Optimism
  • Relentless Learning
  • Calculated Risk
  • Stay Connected
  • Step into the Breach
  • Eliminate Friction
  • Practiced Resilience
  • Tenacious Creativity