Internal Communications

  • 1h 25m
  • James Farrant
  • Thorogood
  • 2003

Internal communications are vital to all organizations. They are its life blood. Even organizations that do not have a specialist department now recognize the need for the function, while those at the leading edge are making increasingly innovative and productive uses of internal communications. There is growing evidence that the organizations that 'get it right' reap dividends in corporate energy and enhanced performance. In these organizations, internal communications have equal status with the external communications functions. This practical Report will show you how internal communications, taken in their widest sense, can improve the performance of organizations.

About the Author

James Farrant worked for many years as a producer and director in broadcast television before setting up his own communications and video production consultancy which specializes in training and internal communications.

James began his career as a TV journalist. He worked first as a news scriptwriter (ITN’s News at Ten amongst other news and current affairs programs), then elsewhere in ITV as a producer in news, current affairs and documentary programs, covering a wide range of subjects including politics, business and science. In 1981 James launched the International Broadcasting Trust founded by a consortium of British charities, and he was its first Editor-in-Chief. He worked briefly as a freelance producer and director before establishing The Farrant Partnership.

As a consultant, he is experienced in reviewing and reporting on communications processes and activity in client organizations, making undogmatic recommendations, and then helping in the practical steps towards change (training, workshops etc.).

In change programs, James has worked closely with senior people to communicate a vision of the new way of doing things, and to take that communication through their organizations.

James is the author of Winning Teams, a training package on leadership and teamwork and his recent video work includes writing and directing programs on liberating leadership, coaching and business excellence. He also co-authored TV and Video in Internal Communications.

As an experienced facilitator, he works with teams to help them review themselves, resolve problems, raise awareness and strengthen team-working, and is frequently asked to design and run seminars and workshops. He chairs and speaks in an on-going series of public seminars, Successful Internal Communications.

In this Book

  • Integrated Internal Communications
  • Thinking About Internal Communications
  • Making a Start – Policies and Audit
  • Channels of Communication
  • Leadership—Communicating the Vision
  • Face-to-Face Communication
  • ‘And then…’ Story-Telling in Internal Communications
  • Internal Communications Partnerships
  • Intranets in Internal Communication
  • Conclusion


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