Interactive C#: Fundamentals, Core Concepts and Patterns

  • 3h 26m
  • Vaskaran Sarcar
  • Apress
  • 2018

Discover object-oriented programming with core concepts of C# in this unique tutorial. The book consists of four major sections which cover 15 core topics - nine of them are dedicated to object-oriented programming, five of them are dedicated to advanced concepts of C#, and one of them is dedicated to design patterns, with coverage of three Gang of Four design patterns with C# implementations. Finally, Interactive C# contains an FAQ section to cover all of these topics.

This book uniquely presents a two-way discussion between a teacher and students. So, with this book you will have the feel of learning C# in a classroom environment or with your private tutor. Your teacher will discuss the problems/topics and ask you questions; at the same time, counter questions are provided to clarify points where necessary.

What You Will Learn

  • Become proficient in object-oriented programming
  • Remake yourself as a great C# programmer
  • Test your skills in C# fundamentals
  • Use Visual Studio to write, compile and execute your code

Who This Book Is For

Programmers who want to understand the concepts and implementation of object-oriented programming in C#.

About the Authors

Vaskaran Sarcar (ME (Software Engineering), MCA, B Sc. (Math)) is a Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead at HP India PPS R&D Hub Bangalore. He is the author of the books-Java Design Patterns, Interactive Object Oriented Programming in Java, Design Patterns in C#, Operating System: Computer Science Interview Series and C# Basics He has more than 10 years of teaching and Industry experience. He is also national Gate scholar(2005-2007). Reading and learning new things are passion for him.

In this Book

  • Foreword by Ambrose Rajendram
  • Foreword by Siddhartha Ghosh
  • Guidelines for Using the Book
  • Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
  • The Building Blocks—Class and Objects
  • The Concept of Inheritance
  • Get Familiar with Polymorphism
  • Interfaces—An Art in OOP
  • Encapsulation with Properties and Indexers
  • Understanding Class Variables
  • Analysis of Some Key Comparisons in C#
  • A Quick Recap of OOP Principles in C#
  • Delegates and Events
  • Flexibilities with Anonymous Functions
  • Generics
  • Exception Handling
  • Memory Cleanup
  • An Introduction to Design Patterns
  • Winning Notes and the Road Ahead