Intentional Leadership: The Big 8 Capabilities Setting Leaders Apart
- 2h 50m
- Rose M. Patten
- De Gruyter Inc
- 2023

Revealing how leaders can enhance their abilities in our current uncertain and fast-paced times, Intentional Leadership speaks to the importance of being intentional and offers eight key capabilities for success.
About the Author
Patten Rose M. :
Rose M. Patten is special advisor to the CEO and senior executives at BMO Financial Group. She was inducted into the Hall of Fame of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women in 2007 and has been recognized by American Banker magazine as one of the 25 Most Powerful Women in Banking. From 2014 to 2017 she was chair of the board of trustees of the Hospital for Sick Children. She was appointed as an officer of the Order of Canada in 2017 and currently serves as the thirty-fourth chancellor of the University of Toronto. She is also an adjunct professor and executive in residence at the Rotman School of Management and was recently appointed honorary colonel of the Canadian Forces College.
In this Book
Leaders Engaged in Deliberate Conversations for This Book
Introduction: Putting the Spotlight on Leadership
Today's Unmistakable Game Changers: No One is Exempt
Game Changer #1: Increased Stakeholder Expectations
Game Changer #2: The Ever-Changing Workforce and Workplace
Game Changer #3: Short-Lived Strategies and Digital Dominance
Dispelling Myths Takes Energy and Courage
Leadership is Not Timeless – it Has a Shelf Life
Softer Skills Do Not Improve with Just Time
Mentors are Not Just for Emerging Leaders
High Performers Do Not Always Equal High Potential for Leadership
The Leadership Pendulum Has Shifted
Where and How the Big 8 Fit in a Leader's Overall Role
The Big 8 #1: Personal Adaptability
The Big 8 #2: Strategic Agility
The Big 8 #3: Self-Renewal
The Big 8 #4: Certainty of Character
The Big 8 #5: Empathy
The Big 8 #6: Contextual Communication
The Big 8 #7: Spirited Collaboration
The Big 8 #8: Developing other Leaders – Not Only Followers
Self-Reflection: Feedback, Self-Awareness, and Adjustment
Building Teams and Leaders: Selecting and Developing
Being a Mentor and a Mentee: A Great Leader is Both
So What Now?