Integrating Agile Development in the Real World

  • 7h 5m
  • Peter Schuh
  • Cengage Course PTR
  • 2005

Have your software projects been suffering from the age-old development problems of slipped schedules and ballooning budgets? Has your development organization experienced a variety of failed and canceled projects? If so, you may benefit from infusing some agility into your development process. Agile development breaks with a 40-year tradition of applying ever more structure and formalization to the design and development of software by advocating a return to the basic principles of satisfied customers, working software, and the willingness to accept and respond to change. As the popularity of agile development has grown, IT professionals have begun to struggle with ways to integrate agile practices and processes into traditional project environments. Integrating Agile Development in the Real World provides programmers and managers with specific and implementable ways to use agile processes in everyday software development projects. Whether read cover-to-cover, or used as a field guide during an agile transition, this book provides valuable insight into how agile practices and processes may be applied in almost any environment. Everything from how to deliver a working system sooner, acknowledge and respond to change, better meet the needs of the project’s customer, to increasing software quality, and fostering a more communicative and collaborative team culture are thoroughly covered.


  • Explore topics like refractoring, blitz planning, scrum meetings, and side-by-side programming that can be applied immediately rather than theory or idealized applications of agile development
  • Find dozens of tips and techniques to help foster more communication and collaboration within teams, and between teams and customers, users, stakeholders, and management
  • Learn to initiate, plan, execute, track, and report status on an agile project

In this Book

  • Integrating Agile Development in the Real World
  • Introduction
  • Agile Development Primer
  • Agile Characteristics
  • The Agile Methodologies
  • Selecting an Approach That Fits
  • Going Agile
  • Agile Practices
  • Design and Programming
  • Testing
  • Data and the Database
  • Agile Management
  • Features and User Stories
  • Project Initiation
  • Small Releases
  • Executing Iterative Development
  • The Customer
  • Reviewing and Reporting Progress
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Documentation
  • People
  • Real-World Environments
  • Seeking Additional Assistance
  • Endnotes
  • References