Informal Learning: Rediscovering the Natural Pathways that Inspire Innovation and Performance

  • 4h 59m
  • Jay Cross
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2007

Most learning on the job is informal. This book offers advice on how to support, nurture, and leverage informal learning and helps trainers to go beyond their typical classes and programs in order to widen and deepen heir reach. The author reminds us that we live in a new, radically different, constantly changing, and often distracting workplace. He guides us through the plethora of digital learning tools that workers are now accessing through their computers, PDAs, and cell phones.

About the Author

JAY CROSS has been passionate about harnessing technology to improve adult learning since the 1960s. Fresh out of college, he sold mainframes for NCR. He designed the University of Phoenix's first business degree program. He transformed a start-up into an Inc 500 award winner, training a million professionals to make sound decisions and sell services. He has managed software start-ups. A self-avowed "Web fanatic," he has been marrying training to the Net since 1996.

Jay founded Internet Time Group in 1998 to help organizations learn. Cisco, IBM, and Smartforce are among his clients. His five-year scenario plan, the Internet Time Machine, was a pioneering description of eLearning. He delivered the inaugural keynote on Web marketing to the first meeting of the Online Banking Association. He has spoken at conferences around the world and is the author of numerous articles and white papers on learning and business effectiveness.

Jay is coauthor (with Lance Dublin) of Implementing eLearning, and he contributed a chapter to ASTD's Implementing E-Learning Solutions. He assisted the Institute for the Future in building scenarios for global corporate learning circa 2008. He writes the Effectiveness column for Chief Learning Officer magazine.

He is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Business School, with additional study in design, systems analysis, programming, leadership, information architecture, decision making, direct marketing, and languages.

In this Book

  • Out of Time
  • A Natural way of Learning
  • Show me the Money
  • Emergence
  • Connecting
  • Meta-Learning
  • Learners
  • Envisioning
  • Conversation
  • Communities
  • Unblended
  • The Web
  • Grokking
  • Unconferences
  • Just do it
  • Resources