Influencing People, Handling Conflict and Being Assertive: Communicating Successfully

  • 26m
  • LID Editorial
  • LID Publishing
  • 2015

Influencing people is a vital leadership skill, whether you are communicating with other people individually or as a group. An ability to get your views across clearly, in a way that brings the desired result, is a defining characteristic of a successful leader.

Closely linked with an ability to influence people positively is the skill to resolve or manage conflicts. Conflict can happen in many situations: when priorities are being planned, when work is delegated and during times of change, uncertainty or stress. There are many causes of conflict. These include personal clashes resulting from an argument, a poor relationship or basic personality clash or a personality defect such as bullying. There are also professional causes of conflict. These might arise from different approaches and ways of working, a fear of change, concern or dissatisfaction with an aspect of employment or rumours.

In this Book

  • Influencing People, Handling Conflict and Being Assertive—Communicating successfully
  • Overview
  • The Benefits of Influencing People and Handling Conflict


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