Hybrid Project Management: Using Agile with Traditional PM Methodologies to Succeed on Modern Projects

  • 3h 4m
  • Mark Tolbert, Susan Parente
  • Business Expert Press
  • 2020

Compared to a few decades ago, companies today are faced with a much more challenging environment providing successful products and solutions for their customers. They are dealing with global competition, very rapid change in technologies, and tremendous volatility in economic conditions. As project managers, we are helping our companies survive in this difficult landscape. We are “agents of change” and “drivers of change.” The most important project management methodology today that will help us deal with this change and this volatility is Agile.

However, no one process or project management methodology fits all situations! Agile is not a panacea for all projects. Many times, our projects are large enough and complex enough that some parts of the project are best suited to using a predictive planning approach, and other parts are more suited to using Agile. Therefore, a hybrid approach that mixes the traditional, waterfall approach with Agile is really required in many situations today.

The agile community oftentimes has quite a negative view of hybrid approaches. Key writers on Agile often say that attempting to use hybrid will corrupt all attempts to use Agile, and will result in failure. In this book, the argument is made that integrating these methodologies can be done if approached the right way, and in fact, this is necessary today.

About the Author

Mark Tolbert is a senior PM instructor with more than 15 years teaching PMP and Agile classes. Mark has been actively involved in the Washington, DC PMI Chapter (PMIWDC) since 1996, and was the trustee of the Chapter from 2009 through 2013.

In this Book

  • Hybrid Projects: The Need to Be Open to Different Project Management Methodologies
  • Additional Thoughts on Agile and Hybrid Projects
  • Overview and Thoughts about the PMBOK® Guide. Does Agile Fit in Well With the PMBOK® Guide?


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