Hundred Percenters: Challenge Your Employees to Give It Their All, and They'll Give You Even More, Second Edition

  • 3h 7m
  • Mark Murphy
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2014

In this new edition of his guide to unleashing employees' full potential, Mark Murphy explains why true employee motivation is not achieved by focusing on making your people "happy." The most effective leaders are the ones who respect their people enough to push them to deliver real results--to become Hundred Percenters.

Basing its conclusions on a detailed study of more than 500,000 leaders and employees, Hundred Percenters, Second Edition, provides the tools and techniques--and the rationale behind them--to help you create an army of employees who don't just do their best—but who also deliver results.

About the Author

An expert in aligning goals and people to create thriving organizations, Mark Murphy leads one of the world's largest studies on leadership and employee engagement.

Mark's award-winning work has been featured numerous times in publications including The Wall St. Journal, Fortune, Forbes, Bloomberg BusinessWeek and the Washington Post. His media appearances include CBS News Sunday Morning, ABC's 20/20, Fox Business News and NPR. Mark has lectured at Harvard Business School, Yale University, University of Rochester and University of Florida.

Mark is the author of five books including the McGraw-Hill international bestsellers, Hundred Percenters: Challenge Your People to Give It Their All and They'll Give You Even More and Hard Goals. Mark's most recent book, Hiring for Attitude, reflects the team's latest research and insight into how hiring decisions can align with engagement goals and culture characteristics.

In this Book

  • Set HARD Goals
  • Create Accountability with Constructive Feedback
  • Reclaim Our Heroes with Positive Reinforcement
  • Shoves and Tugs
  • Hiring for Attitude
  • Word Pictures


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