How You Learn Is How You Live: Using Nine Ways of Learning to Transform Your Life

  • 2h 39m
  • David A. Kolb, Kay Peterson
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • 2017

This book takes a systematic approach to learning that has been long revered in the education field (approximately 75,000 educators take the Kolb Learning Style Inventory each year) and makes it accessible to any reader who wants to be a lifelong learner. What's Your Learning Style?

Being a lifelong learner is one of the secrets to happiness, success, and personal fulfillment. But what's the best way to become one? Kay Peterson and David Kolb have the answer. They offer deep, research-based insights into the ideal process of learning and guide you in identifying your dominant style. You'll discover how knowing your learning style can help you with all kinds of everyday challenges, from remembering someone's name to adding a crucial professional skill to your repertoire. This book is a guide to awakening the power of learning that lies within each of us.

About the Authors

Kay Peterson is managing director of Learning Partners Group and a founding partner of Harlan Peterson Partners, where she cocreated a program to help professionals become exceptional owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

David A. Kolb is the creator of Experiential Learning Theory. He is also the founder and chairman of Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc., and professor emeritus at Case Western Reserve University.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: The Learning Way
  • Chapter Two: I Am a Learner
  • Chapter Three: My Learning Style, My Life Path
  • Chapter Four: Building Style Flexibility
  • Chapter Five: Learning Flexibility and the Road Ahead
  • Chapter Six: What's Next? Deliberate Learning for Life
  • Notes
  • References


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