How to Train Employees: A Guide for Managers

  • 3h 24m
  • Bobette Hayes Williamson, Irene E. McManus, Robert P. McManus
  • 2007

As the global marketplace expands, the need for a flexible, well-trained workforce grows with it. Training employees to master business-critical skills has become a baseline requirement for managerial success. This new Self-Study course provides the tools and techniques to assess, design, deliver and evaluate training that is right for every employee.

Gain the skills to

  • Link training to short-term job requirements and the strategic needs of the business
  • Collaborate effectively with training professionals before, during, and after training
  • Apply proven principles of adult learning throughout the training process
  • Support the transfer of learning from the training session back to the job

Based on a four-part training process, this course provides cases, exercises, worksheets and planning forms that make the learning immediate and dynamic and allow you to assemble the elements of your own training programs as you progress through the course.

Learn how to

  • Determine the training needs of your employees
  • Describe training objectives and measures
  • Design a training program and create and use lesson plans for dynamic instruction
  • Present both on-the-job and classroom training
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of training

About the Authors

Bobette Hayes Williamson is a trainer, instructional designer, business writer, and author. Her specialties include training-the-trainer, customer service, interpersonal communication, supervision, presentation skills, and innovation. She has over 20 years’ experience conducting seminars for people at all organizational levels. Bobette has taught courses at Central Oregon Community College, Bend, OR; University of California San Diego Extension, Department of Business, Management and Professional Practice; San Diego Community College District, Employment Training Institute; and National University, Extended Studies, San Diego, CA. Writing credits include Supervision: The ASTD Trainer’s Sourcebook (McGraw-Hill) and the American Management Association self-study course, Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service (Ron Zemke with Bobette Hayes Williamson). She holds B.A. and M.A. degrees from University of California at Berkeley. Bobette has a California community college teaching credential.

Irene E. McManus is a trainer and writer. Her subject matter specialties include writing, reading, communications, and basic skills. Among her credits are 17 years of experience presenting a basic skills English-writing course, a basic skills reading course, and a petty officer writing workshop to naval personnel. In addition, she has designed and presented language improvement courses to organizations in the private sector, and she has taught college English courses. Irene earned a B.A. and an M.A. in English from Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles, and an M.A. in reading education from San Diego State University. She holds a California community college teaching credential, a general secondary teaching credential, and a reading specialist credential.

Robert P. McManus. During his active and highly productive life, Bob filled many roles. Among them: mathematician, scientist, inventor and holder of nine U.S. patents, engineering manager, teacher, author, community volunteer, board member, and mentor. After completing a 30-year career in management of research, development, testing, and evaluation, Bob turned his energies to sharing his extensive knowledge and experience in management, leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal communication by writing and teaching about those subjects. For eight years, he was an instructor at University of California San Diego Extension Department of Business, Management, and Professional Practice, teaching “Personal Effectiveness for Managers.” Bob attended University of Southern California in Los Angeles, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics.

In this Book

  • How to Train Employees—A Guide for Managers
  • How to Take This Course
  • Introduction
  • Pre-Test
  • Training for a Changing Workplace
  • Understanding the Adult Learning Process
  • Assessing Training Needs
  • Designing Training
  • Using Training Methods and Media Effectively
  • Delivering Training
  • Evaluating Training
  • Locating and Selecting Training Resources
  • Adhering to the Highest Standards of Ethics and Professionalism
  • Key Terms
  • Bibliography
  • Post-Test