How to Hold Successful Meetings: 30 Action Tips for Managing Effective Meetings

  • 44m
  • Paul R. Timm
  • Career Press, Inc.
  • 1997

A lot of organizations hold too many meetings and, to compound the problem, the meetings are inefficient and ineffective.

Why is it that many meetings lead to feelings of restlessness, disgruntlement, and raw boredom? Do meetings have to be such a burden? What can be done to make meetings live up to their potential to produce high-quality results?

Learn to invite the right people to your meetings, develop a proper agenda and why it's important, run short profitable meetings... and much, much more!

About the Author

Dr. Paul R. Timm is best known for bringing powerful, practical ideas to thousands of people through his writing, teaching, video programs, and speaking. He has served as consultant and trainer to numerous corporations, associations, and government agencies, dealing with challenges and opportunities in customer service, human relations, personal effectiveness and communication.

In this Book

  • The Need for Better Meeting Managers
  • When to Hold a Meeting (and When Not To!)
  • Overcoming Pitfalls in Meeting Preparation
  • Overcoming Pitfalls in Setup and Kickoff
  • Monitoring and Leading the Meeting
  • Concluding and Following Up Successfully
  • Tracking and Developing Meeting Skills
  • The Behavioral Side of Successful Meetings
  • Epilogue—A Closing Thought


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