Heroes & Villains of Finance: The 50 Most Colourful Characters in the History of Finance

  • 1h 15m
  • A. Baldwin
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2015

Explore history's titans of finance, and their lasting global impact

Heroes and Villains of Finance is a fascinating dive into the history of money as an institution, highlighting the fifty most significant figures that, rightly or wrongly, are responsible for the financial landscape we live in today. From philosophers and bankers to fraudsters and academics, this book provides a striking introduction to the most remarkable characters in the history of finance. Their impact reaches far beyond the financial system itself, and has helped shape the course of human history. The economic systems of today would look very differently if it weren't for these innovators, thought leaders, storytellers, and rebels, and this captivating examination takes you inside their stories to understand their thinking, their background, their perspective, and their inspiration.

People both inside and outside the world of finance are perpetually curious about the larger-than-life characters who built, shaped, and continue to populate the industry. Their actions, both positive and negative, are responsible for what we understand as finance today. This book provides a glimpse into the events and motivations that contributed to the industry's evolution.

  • Learn how the Knights Templar became the first banking institution
  • Examine the Rothschild family's pioneering use of financial instruments in order to safeguard their wealth from distrusting European monarchs
  • Study the origins and evolution of the Ponzi scheme
  • Realise how Reaganomics still affects the U.S. economy today

The finance industry is always in the public eye, and it's one of the few places where the actions of a few — or even a single person — can ripple throughout large populations. Heroes and Villains of Finance gives you a closer look at the biggest names that had the biggest impact, for better or worse.

In this Book

  • Thales of Miletus—C.624–546 BC
  • Chanakya—C.370–283 BC
  • The Knights Templar—C.1119–1314
  • Nicole Oresme—C.1320–1382
  • The Medici Family—C.1397–1737
  • John Law—1671–1729
  • Sir John Blunt—1665–1733
  • Adam Smith—1723–1790
  • Charles Hall—1740–1825
  • The Rothschild Family—C.1744–Present Day
  • David Ricardo—1772–1823
  • Karl Marx—1818–1883
  • Vilfredo Pareto—1848–1923
  • Amadeo P. Giannini—1870–1949
  • Charles Ponzi—1882–1949
  • Alves Dos Reis—1898–1955
  • J.P. Morgan—1837–1913
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt—1882–1945
  • Waddill Catchings—1879–1967
  • Hetty Green—1834–1916
  • F.A. Hayek—1899–1992
  • John von Neumann—1903–1957
  • Joseph Schumpeter—1883–1950
  • Ludwig von Mises—1881–1973
  • John Maynard Keynes—1883–1946
  • Harry Dexter White—1892–1948
  • Sidney Weinberg—1891–1969
  • Georges Doriot—1899–1987
  • Benjamin Graham—1894–1976
  • Alfred Winslow Jones—1900–1989
  • Deng Xiaoping—1904–1997
  • Peter Drucker—1909–2005
  • Ronald Reagan—1911–2004
  • Bernard Cornfeld—1927–1995
  • Robert Vesco—1935–2007
  • Hyman Minsky—1919–1996
  • Henry Kravis—B.1944
  • Michael Milken—B.1946
  • Murray Rothbard—1926–1995
  • Eugene Fama—B.1939
  • Milton Friedman—1912–2006
  • Harry Markowitz—B.1927
  • Muhammad Yunus—B.1940
  • Nick Leeson—B.1967
  • Ken Lay—1942–2006
  • Bernard Madoff—B.1938
  • Warren Buffett—B.1930
  • George Soros—B.1930
  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb—B.1960
  • Dick Fuld—B.1946
  • Glossary
  • References