Harvard Business School Confidential: Secrets of Success
- 3h 52m
- Emily Chan
- John Wiley & Sons (US)
- 2009
Harvard Business School is the iconic business school. An admission ticket to HBS is a hot commodity and an HBS degree is highly respected in the business world. This book, written by an HBS grad and seasoned businesswoman, tells you why. It is a distillation of the most valuable and pragmatic but yet easiest to learn concepts taught at HBS.
About the Author
Emily Chan graduated top of her engineering class at Stanford University and has an MBA from Harvard Business School. She was a consultant with The Boston consulting Group (BCG) for over eight years, and also worked as a corporate strategist and an independent consultant in Greater China. Based in Hong Kong, she is now Director of Pacific Merit Ltd. (PMI), a family-owned direct investment company that invests in distressed assets in the US, Europe and Asia. PML’s current portfolio includes assets in biotechnology, media and real estate.’
In this Book
How Money Works
You Can Negotiate Anything
Speak So People Will Listen
It’s Who You Know
It Is Bigger Than You
Human Resources
The Big Picture
Filling in the Blanks
“Plans Are Nothing. Planning Is Everything”
The Classics
Final Words