HAPPY@WORK: 60 Simple Ways to Stay Engaged and Be Successful
- 2h 10m
- Jim Donovan
- New World Library
- 2014
Even in a tight economy, job satisfaction isn’t a luxury; fulfilled, happy employees are productive, innovative, and loyal. And workplace fulfillment spills over into happier families and better communities. Jim Donovan, a small-business owner, consultant, and speaker, has worked with employees and employers for twenty-five years. In that time he has tested and honed these shift-producing strategies on everything from managing time, making decisions, and marking milestones to breaking patterns, bouncing back, and becoming exceptional. Each tip’s method and rationale are clearly explained. Real workplace vignettes demonstrate the benefits and results that can be gleaned from simple shifts and actions. These tools will empower you with the knowledge that no matter the circumstance, you can think, act, and feel in ways that create purpose, success, and, yes, happiness.
About the Author
Jim Donovan speaks regularly to employees and executives at small businesses and large corporations. He is a frequent media guest and expert source on personal development, business success, and the spiritual laws that develop both. His previous books include Handbook to a Happier Life and What Are You Waiting For? It’s Your Life.
In this Book
Reward Yourself and Others
Put Your Problems to Work for You
Break Your Patterns
Become Curious
Know Your Purpose
Step into the Career of Your Dreams
Make Your Dreams Come True
Become a Goal Setter
Don't Let Your Goals Scare You
Establish Milestones and Actions
Take Only Inspired Action
Align with Your Values
Discover Your Rules
Learn to Manage Your Time
Ask a Bigger Question
Arrive at Work Early
Master Your Energy
Commit to Lifelong Learning
Become a Value Finder
Don't Be Afraid to Speak Your Mind
Dress for Success
Don't Wait to Be Told What to Do
Focus on What is Working
Learn to Deal with Difficult People
Make Decisions Quickly
Get in Motion
Gauge Your Happiness
Be Exceptional
Drink Water
Don't Gossip
Take Ownership of Your Work
Cultivate Good Habits
Identify Your Beliefs
Make Personal Development Part of Your Daily Routine
Remember That This Too Shall Pass
Tell a Different Story
Model the Success You Desire
Define Your Success
Don't Get Derailed
Begin Now
Let Go
Put the Excitement Back in Your Job
Remove the Obstacles Blocking Your Success
Be a Salesperson
Bounce Back
Think Like an Owner Even if You're Not One
Promote Your Company
Make Dull Tasks Fun
Be Authentically You
Practice Gratitude
Let Your Feelings Be the Guide
Listen to Music
See the Big Picture
Develop Meaningful Friendships at Work
State Your Intentions
Avoid Energy Zappers
Take Charge of Your Emotions
Remember That Money is a Measure of Your Service
Live in the Present
Get Up and Start Moving