Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests

  • 6h 5m
  • Jeffrey Rubin
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 1994

A supremely usable nuts-and-bolts guide for beginners… A daily tool of the trade for specialists… Handbook of Usability Testing gives you practical, step-by-step guidelines in plain English. Written by Jeffrey Rubin, it arms beginners with the full complement of proven testing tools and techniques. From software, GUIs, and technical documentation, to medical instruments, VCRs, and exercise bikes, no matter what your product, you’ll learn to design and administer extremely reliable tests to ensure that people find it easy and desirable to use.

  • Requires no engineering or human factors training
  • A rigorous, step-by-step approach—with an eye to common gaffes and pitfalls—saves you months of trial and error
  • Liberally peppered with real-life examples and case histories taken from a wide range of industries
  • Packed with extremely usable templates, models, tables, test plans, and other indispensable tools of the trade

About the Author

Jeff Rubin has more than 20 years experience as a human factors specialist in the computer industry. He is founder and owner of J. Rubin Associates, a human factors and technical communication consulting firm based in Morganville, N.J. While at the Bell Laboratories' Human Performance Technology Center, he developed and refined testing methodologies, and conducted research on the usability criteria of software, documentation, and training materials.

Presently, Mr. Rubin provides consulting services and workshops on the planning, design, and evaluation of user interfaces for new computer-based products for major corporations throughout North America, including Hewlett Packard, Texas Instruments, AT&T, the Ford Motor Company, and Bell Laboratories. His extensive experience in the application of user-centered design, along with the singular ability to communicate complex principles and techniques in non-technical language make him uniquely qualified to write on the subject of usability testing.

Mr. Rubin holds a degree in Experimental Psychology from Lehigh University.

In this Book

  • The Problem of Unusable Products and Systems
  • Overview of Usability Testing
  • Setting Up a Testing Environment
  • Testing Roles with Special Emphasis on the Test Monitor
  • Developing the Test Plan
  • Selecting and Acquiring Participants
  • Preparing the Test Materials
  • Conducting the Test
  • Debriefing the Participant
  • Transforming Data into Findings and Recommendations
  • Establishing a Usability Program—Strategies and Tactics