Handbook of Cloud Computing

  • 12h 21m
  • Armando Escalante (eds), Borko Furht
  • Springer
  • 2010

Cloud computing has become a significant technology trend. Experts believe cloud computing is currently reshaping information technology and the IT marketplace. The advantages of using cloud computing include cost savings, speed to market, access to greater computing resources, high availability, and scalability. Handbook of Cloud Computing includes contributions from world experts in the field of cloud computing from academia, research laboratories and private industry. This book presents the systems, tools, and services of the leading providers of cloud computing; including Google, Yahoo, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft. The basic concepts of cloud computing and cloud computing applications are also introduced. Current and future technologies applied in cloud computing are also discussed. Case studies, examples, and exercises are provided throughout. Handbook of Cloud Computing is intended for advanced-level students and researchers in computer science and electrical engineering as a reference book. This handbook is also beneficial to computer and system infrastructure designers, developers, business managers, entrepreneurs and investors within the cloud computing related industry.

About the Editors

Borko Furht is a professor and chairman of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, Florida. He is also Director of recently formed NSF-sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on Advanced Knowledge Enablement. Before joining FAU, he was a vice president of research and a senior director of development at Modcomp (Ft. Lauderdale), a computer company of Daimler Benz, Germany; a professor at University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida; and a senior researcher in the Institute Boris Kidric-Vinca, Yugoslavia. Professor Furht received a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Belgrade. His current research is in multimedia systems, video coding and compression, 3D video and image systems, wireless multimedia, and Internet and cloud computing. He is presently Principal Investigator and Co-PI of several multiyear, multimillion-dollar projects, including NSF PIRE project and NSF High-Performance Computing Center. He is the author of numerous books and articles in the areas of multimedia, computer architecture, real-time computing, and operating systems. He is a founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer). He has received several technical and publishing awards, and has consulted for many high-tech companies including IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Xerox, General Electric, JPL, NASA, Honeywell, and RCA. He has also served as a consultant to various colleges and universities. He has given many invited talks, keynote lectures, seminars, and tutorials. He served on the Board of Directors of several high-tech companies.

Armando J. Escalante is Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Risk Solutions for the LexisNexis Group, a division of Reed Elsevier. In this position, Escalante is responsible for technology development, information systems and operations. Previously, Escalante was Chief Operating Officer for Seisint, a privately owned company, which was purchased by LexisNexis in 2004. In this position, he was responsible for Technology, Development and Operations. Prior to 2001, Escalante served as Vice President of Engineering and Operations for Diveo Broadband Networks, where he led world-class Data Centers located in the U.S. and Latin America. Before Diveo Broadband Networks, Escalante was VP for one of the fastest growing divisions of Vignette Corporation, an eBusiness software leader. Escalante earned his bachelor's degree in electronic engineering at the USB in Caracas, Venezuela and a master's degree in computer science from Stevens Institute of Technology, as well as a master's degree in business administration from West Coast University.

In this Book

  • Cloud Computing Fundamentals
  • Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications
  • Key Enabling Technologies for Virtual Private Clouds
  • The Role of Networks in Cloud Computing
  • Data-Intensive Technologies for Cloud Computing
  • Survey of Storage and Fault Tolerance Strategies Used in Cloud Computing
  • Scheduling Service Oriented Workflows Inside Clouds Using an Adaptive Agent Based Approach
  • The Role of Grid Computing Technologies in Cloud Computing
  • Cloudweaver: Adaptive and Data-Driven Workload Manager for Generic Clouds
  • Enterprise Knowledge Clouds: Architecture and Technologies
  • Integration of High-Performance Computing into Cloud Computing Services
  • Vertical Load Distribution for Cloud Computing via Multiple Implementation Options
  • SwinDeW-C: A Peer-to-Peer Based Cloud Workflow System
  • Cloud Types and Services
  • Service Scalability Over the Cloud
  • Scientific Services on the Cloud
  • A Novel Market-Oriented Dynamic Collaborative Cloud Service Platform
  • Enterprise Knowledge Clouds: Applications and Solutions
  • Open Science in the Cloud: Towards a Universal Platform for Scientific and Statistical Computing
  • Multidimensional Environmental Data Resource Brokering on Computational Grids and Scientific Clouds
  • HPC on Competitive Cloud Resources
  • Scientific Data Management in the Cloud: A Survey of Technologies, Approaches and Challenges
  • Feasibility Study and Experience on Using Cloud Infrastructure and Platform for Scientific Computing
  • A Cloud Computing Based Patient Centric Medical Information System
  • Cloud@Home: A New Enhanced Computing Paradigm
  • Using Hybrid Grid/Cloud Computing Technologies for Environmental Data Elastic Storage, Processing, and Provisioning


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