Handbook of Augmented and Virtual Reality
- 4h 2m
- Ajay Rana, Nidhi Sindhwani, Ramani Kannan, Sarvesh Tanwar, Sumit Badotra
- De Gruyter Inc
- 2023

Augmented and Virtual Reality are revolutionizing present and future technologies: these are the fastest growing and most fascinating areas of technologies at present. This book aims to provide insight into the theory and applications of Augmented and Virtual Reality to multiple technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), ML (Machine Learning), AI (Artifi cial Intelligence), Healthcare and Education.
- Explore multiple applications of AR/VR in a single text.
- Contains recent advancements in the field by industrialists, academics and scholars.
- Deals with recent trends in AI, ML, IoT, Blockchain.
About the Author
Dr. Sumit Badotra is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Bennett University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has around 5+ years of teaching and research experience in Software Defined Networks (SDN). His general research interests are in the areas of Network Security and Computer Networks and specific research interests include Intrusion Detection, Protection from Internet Attacks. During his PhD work he has also worked on a Project funded by DST Govt. of India as a Research fellow. More than 60 papers are published in SCI/Scopus/UGC approved journals and reputed national/international conferences/book chapters. In continuation to this he has published many patents in the relevant fields. He has attended many national level FDPs and workshops and acted as a resource person as well. He is an active reviewer in various reputed journals. Currently he is exploring Intrusion Detection in Cloud based Web servers using SDN.
Dr. Sarvesh Tanwar is an Associate Professor at Amity Institute of Information Technology (AIIT), Amity University, Noida. She heads the AUN Blockchain & Data Security Research Lab. With over 15 years of teaching and research experience, her research areas include Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Cryptography, Blockchain and Cyber Security. She has published more than 100 research papers in international journals and conferences. Dr. Tanwar is currently guiding six Ph. D. scholars and has supervised one Ph. D. scholar and five M.Tech research scholars. She has filed 21 patents (15 published) and two copyrights in the relevant field. She is senior member of IEEE, a Life-Member of the Cryptology Research Society of India (CRSI), the Indian Institute of Statistics, Kolkata, India and member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) in Singapore. Dr. Tanwar serves as a reviewer in various reputed journals.
Prof. (Dr.) Ajay Rana is Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, currently serving as Director General in Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Greater Noida. With over two decades of experience in academics and industry, Dr. Rana completed his M. Tech. and Ph. D. in Computer Science and Engineering from reputed institutes of India. He has 117 patents under his name in the field of IoT, Networks, and Sensors. He has published more than 306 research papers in reputed journals and international and national conferences, co-authored bine books and co-edited 45 conference proceedings. Eighteen students have completed their Ph. D. under his supervision and currently six students are working on their doctorates with his guidance.
Dr. Nidhi Sindhwani is currently working as an Amity Institute of Information Technology (AIIT), Amity University, Noida., India. She has done her Ph.D. (ECE) from Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India. She has teaching experience of more than 15 years. She is a Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Member of IEEE. She has published 3 book chapters in reputed books, 10 papers in Scopus/SCIE Indexed Journals and 4 Patents. She has presented various research papers in National & International Conferences. She has chaired a Session in two International Conferences. Her research areas include Wireless Communication, Image Processing, Optimization, Machine Learning, IoT etc.
Dr.Ramani Kannan is currently working as Senior Lecturer, Center for Smart Grid Energy Research, Institute of Autonomous system. University Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. Dr. Kanan completed Ph.D. (Power Electronics and Drives) from Anna University, India in 2012, M.E. (Power Electronics and Drives) from Anna University, India in 2006, B.E (Electronics and Communication) from Bharathiyar University, India in 2004. He has more than 15 years of experience in prestigious educational institutes. Dr. Kannan has published more than 130 papers in various reputed national and international journals and conferences. He is the editor, co-editor, guest editor and reviewer of various books including Springer Nature, Elsevier etc. He has received award for best presenter in CENCON 2019, IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2019) Indonesia.
In this Book
Editors' Profile
Supplementing the Markerless AR with Machine Learning: Methods and Approaches
IOT in AR/VR for Flight Simulation
A Comprehensive Study for Recent Trends of AR/VR Technology in Real World Scenarios
AR/VR Boosting Up Digital Twins for Smart Future in Industrial Automation
Methodical Study and Advancement in AR/VR Applications in Present and Future Technologies
Application of Augmented and Virtual Reality for Data Visualization and Analysis from a 3D Drone
Convergence of AR & VR with IoT
Augmented Reality and its use in the Field of Civil Engineering
Applications and Future Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain-Powered Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Disaster Management Systems: A Review
Virtual Reality Convergence for Internet of Forest Things