Groovy in Action, Second Edition
- 14h 14m
- Dierk König, et al.
- Manning Publications
- 2015
Groovy in Action, Second Edition is a thoroughly revised, comprehensive guide to Groovy programming. It introduces Java developers to the dynamic features that Groovy provides, and shows how to apply Groovy to a range of tasks including building new apps, integration with existing code, and DSL development. Covers Groovy 2.4.
About the Technology
In the last ten years, Groovy has become an integral part of a Java developer's toolbox. Its comfortable, common-sense design, seamless integration with Java, and rich ecosystem that includes the Grails web framework, the Gradle build system, and Spock testing platform have created a large Groovy community
About the Book
Groovy in Action, Second Edition is the undisputed definitive reference on the Groovy language. Written by core members of the Groovy language team, this book presents Groovy like no other can—from the inside out. With relevant examples, careful explanations of Groovy's key concepts and features, and insightful coverage of how to use Groovy in-production tasks, including building new applications, integration with existing code, and DSL development, this is the only book you'll need. Updated for Groovy 2.4.
Some experience with Java or another programming language is helpful. No Groovy experience is assumed.
In this Book
Foreword to the First Edition
About This Book
Your Way to Groovy
Overture—Groovy Basics
Simple Groovy Datatypes
Collective Groovy Datatypes
Working with Closures
Groovy Control Structures
Object Orientation, Groovy Style
Dynamic Programming with Groovy
Compile-Time Metaprogramming and AST Transformations
Groovy as a Static Language
Working with Builders
Working with the GDK
Database Programming with Groovy
Working with XML and JSON
Interacting with Web Services
Integrating Groovy
Unit Testing with Groovy
Concurrent Groovy with GPars
Domain-Specific Languages
The Groovy Ecosystem