Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity

  • 5h 48m
  • George Z. Voyiadjis, Yooseob Song
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2021

Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity provides an expansive review of gradient-enhanced continuum plasticity from the initial stage to current research trends in experimental, theoretical, computational and numerical investigations. Starting with an overview of continuum mechanics and classical plasticity, the book then delves into concise lessons covering basic principles and applications, such as outlining the use of the finite element method to solve problems with size effects, mesh sensitivity and high velocity impact loading. All major theories are explored, providing readers with a guide to understanding the various concepts of and differences between an array of gradient-enhanced continuum plasticity models.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Review of Experimental Observations on the Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity
  • Review of Theoretical Developments on the Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity
  • Review of Numerical Approaches Using the Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity
  • Lower-Order Strain Gradient Plasticity Theory with Variable Length Scales
  • Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity for Small Deformations
  • Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity for Finite Deformations
  • Gradient-Enhanced Continuum Plasticity-Damage Theory for Finite Deformations under High Velocity Impact Loading
  • Temperature- and Rate-Dependent Indentation Size Effects and Material Length Scales
  • Open Issues in Strain Gradient Continuum Plasticity and Other Approaches to Address Size Effects