Global Business: Competitiveness and Sustainability

  • 5h 39m
  • G. Jason Goddard, Riad A. Ajami
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2018

Globalization has been under extreme pressure in the wake of the financial crisis. Multinational firms are weighing the costs and benefits of international scale and scope, and are increasingly under pressure to hire local, to source local, and to pay taxes domestically. At the same time global competitive pressures have intensified.

This book reviews international business practices from the multinational firm perspective, and provides pathways forward concerning competitiveness and sustainability in global markets. What sets this book apart from others is that the benefits and pitfalls of globalization are addressed. Chapter coverage focuses on the functional areas of the business and how they are impacted by international expansion. Practical case studies supplement chapter coverage and highlight both positive and negative developments in the global business arena. Readers should expect to be challenged on what will be the limits of the multinational firm in the future, and how multinational firms can continue to prosper while at the same time adhere to sustainable business initiatives.

Equally useful to both undergraduate and graduate students of international business as well as professional development programs, Global Business: Competitiveness and Sustainability provides a necessary tonic for dealing with today’s troubled seas of globalization.

About the Authors

Riad A. Ajami is currently Professor of International Management and Global Strategy at the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University, USA. Professor Ajami is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asia-Pacific Business and Editor-in-Chief of the Haworth International Business Press Series in Asia-Pacific Business. He has appeared on national television and radio, including, among others, Nightline, the PBS News Hour, NBC News, CNN, National Public Radio and CBS Radio.

G. Jason Goddard is Vice President at Wells Fargo Bank, where he has been a commercial lender for over 20 years. He obtained his MBA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Mr. Goddard is currently Adjunct Professor at Wake Forest University and UNC-Greensboro, and is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, where he has authored numerous articles. Mr. Goddard teaches the investment real estate course at Wake Forest University, USA, and has taught international business and international finance at UNCG and in Ludwigshafen Germany at the University of Applied Sciences.

In this Book

  • Global Business: Competitiveness and Sustainability
  • International Marketing
  • International Finance
  • International Accounting
  • International Taxation
  • International Staffing and Labor Issues
  • Managing Operations and Technology
  • Global Case Studies