Get It, Set It, Move It, Prove It: 60 Ways to Get Real Results in Your Organization

  • 3h 4m
  • Mark Graham Brown
  • CRC Press
  • 2004

If you seek to produce measurable results in your organization, this book is for you. It provides practical and useful methods that you can use immediately and points out habits you should avoid. Get It, Set It, Move It, Prove It is about getting real results and being able to prove them.

The distinct feature of this book is the four-phased model:

  • Get It focuses on your leadership’s vision and values;
  • Set It improves your goals and strategies and their deployment in regard to ethics and regulatory requirements and performance measurement;
  • Move It strengthens your relationships with important customers and the management of employees and key work processes;
  • and Prove It helps you supply the evidence that your systems are producing high-performance results

About the Author

Mark Graham Brown has been consulting with major corporations and government organizations on measuring and improving performance for the last 25 years. His clients include all branches of the U.S. Military, as well as many federal and state government organizations. Corporate clients include: Bose, Medtronic, Bank of America, Bechtel, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon. He has had his own consulting practice since 1990. Prior to starting his own firm, he was a Principal in the Chicago firm of Svenson & Wallace, and was the manager of a group of consultants for Creative Universal in Detroit. In addition, he teaches public workshops on performance metrics in the U.S. and Europe for the Institute for Management Studies.

Mark is the author of the first and best selling book written on understanding the Baldrige Award criteria, which is currently in its 13th edition. He has authored many other books, including two on developing balanced scorecards: Keeping Score—Using the Right Metrics to Drive World-Class Performance (Productivity Press, 1996) and Winning Score—How to Design and Implement Organizational Scorecards (Productivity Press, 2000). Mark holds a master’s degree in industrial psychology.

In this Book

  • Get It, Set It, Move It, Prove It, —60 Ways to Get Real Results In Your Organization
  • Introduction
  • Forget Focus Groups and Surveys for Market Research
  • Develop Some Real Values and Stick to Them
  • Learn What You Can Be Good at and Stick to It
  • Don’t Underestimate the Competition
  • Eat Your Own Dog Food
  • Find Out What Aggravates Customers
  • Stop Lying to Customers, Employees, and Shareholders
  • Learn from Former Customers and Employees
  • Acknowledge Your Weaknesses Rather Than Rationalize Them
  • Learn That Bigger Is Not Always Better
  • Don’t Think That You Can’t Be Copied
  • Keep Your Promises
  • Quit Putting Idiots in Leadership Positions
  • Don’t Ever Use a Team to Define Your Vision
  • Don’t Bother Setting Vague Goals That Will Never Be Achieved
  • Watch Out for “Chicken Efficiency” Measures
  • Writing Stuff Down Does Not Make It Happen
  • Beware of the Strategic Planning Retreat
  • Measure What Matters to Your Success
  • Develop “Cholesterol” Measures
  • Focus on Doing Your Mission Well Before Chasing a Vision
  • Spell Out Right and Wrong
  • Planning Is Not About Creating a Binder or Brochure
  • Measure the “How” as Well as the Outcomes
  • Focus on Only a Couple of New Things Per Year
  • Customer Surveys Are Usually a Waste of Time
  • Set Targets Scientifically, Not Arbitrarily
  • Think About What It Will Take to Achieve Your Goals
  • Align Goals and Plans— Find Disconnects
  • Beware of Management Fads with Three-Letter Acronyms
  • Perseverance Is the Key to Success—But Don’t Be Stupid About It
  • Minimize Distractions
  • Activity Does Not Equal Results
  • Limit Process Improvement Teams and Projects
  • Benchmarking Is Often an Excuse for Corporate Field Trips
  • Beware of Solutions in Search of Problems
  • Don’t Get Creative When Landing the Plane
  • Buy the Best Tools You Can Afford
  • Hire the Best Versus Train the Rest
  • Accountability and Consequences
  • Build Trusting Relationships with Stakeholders
  • Use Training Sparingly
  • Ensure Ethics by Balancing Trust and Control
  • Make Employees Look Forward to Coming to Work
  • Results Take Time
  • Develop a Standard Reporting Format
  • Put Idiot Lights on Your Dashboard
  • Ensure the Integrity of Your Data
  • Forget “Statistically Significant”
  • Look for Links Between Hard and Soft Metrics
  • Prove the Value of Your Results Measures
  • The Importance of Comparative Data
  • Every Program, Initiative, and Strategy Needs to Produce Results
  • Show Me the Money
  • Let the Data Tell You When to Change
  • Streamline the Dreaded Monthly Review Meeting
  • The Emperor’s New Clothes
  • The Side Effects of Success
  • Test Theories and Hypotheses
  • Numbers Aren’t Everything
  • References