Generating Value from Big Data

  • 11m
  • Babu Analakkat
  • EMC
  • 2015

Many years ago, data were stored on clay discs and stones. More recently, the invention of the computer enabled data to be stored on magnetic discs. This allowed data to be stored, retrieved, shared, and reused for purposes not imagined while collecting the data. When the computer first came on the scene, only the computer operator or company staff was generating data and the magnitude was much less. With the evolution of the Internet, many more users started generating data and the magnitude grew significantly. Today we have machines like sensors, cameras, mobile phones, and websites generating huge volumes of data when compared to earlier times.

In this Book

  • Generating Value from Big Data
  • Data Explosion – A Flashback
  • Big Data Overview
  • Big Data – Problem or Opportunity?
  • Layers of Big Data
  • Big Data Analytics – Introduction to Hadoop
  • Stepping into Data Analytics – A Few Guidelines
  • Challenges of Big Data
  • Big Data Use Cases
  • Latest Trends in Big Data
  • Common Myths about Big Data
  • Conclusion