Game-Based Learning in Education and Health Part B, First Edition

  • 2h 15m
  • Flavia H. Santos
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2023

Game-Based Learning in Education and Health, Part B, Volume 279 in the Progress in Brain Research series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on highly relevant topics including Evaluating the validity of game-based assessments measuring cognitive function among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Children grow upwards, and so does the number line: Evidence from a directional number line paradigm, and Tasting inhibition: A proof-of-concept study of the food stop-signal game.

  • Provides the authority and expertise of leading contributors from an international board of authors
  • Presents the latest release in Progress in Brain Research serials
  • Updated release includes the latest information on Game-Based Learning in Education and Health

About the Author

Dr Flavia H. Santos is an awardee of the prestigious UCD Ad Astra Fellowship (2019-2024) and an Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology since 2018. Dr Santos is an active neuroscientist at the UCD Affective, Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience, developing innovative translational research on neurodevelopmental disorders. She is mainly focused on numerical cognition development and factors that affect its functioning such as math's anxiety. Dr Santos has a strong interest in how Music Science interact with emotion and cognition. She has carried out studies on interventions to stimulate and remediate mathematical performance using musical training and computerised tasks. At the School of Psychology, she leads the Music and Math Cognition Group, featured at the UCD Discovery Rising Star. Dr Santos is also a member of the UCD Childhood and Human Development Research Centre. She has several peer-reviewed articles in neuroscience, also she authored and edited six books in the field of neuropsychology and rehabilitation. Her research is focused on Sustainable Developmental Goals, SDG 3 (Health and Well-being) and SDG4 (Quality Education). She also advocates for SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG10 (Reduce Inequalities).

In this Book

  • Evaluating the Validity of Game-Based Assessments Measuring Cognitive Function Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  • Children Grow Upwards, and So Does the Number Line: Evidence from a Directional Number Line Paradigm
  • Tasting Inhibition: A Proof-of-Concept Study of the Food Stop-Signal Game
  • Can the Clobber Game Become a Classroom-Based Tool for Screening Students’ Executive Functions?