Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance, Second Edition

  • 9h 11m
  • Louis C. Gapenski
  • Health Administration Press
  • 2013

Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance, in its second edition, continues to be ideal for individuals needing basic healthcare finance skills. This easy-to-read, content-filled book presents a broad overview of healthcare finance, but focuses on tasks that are essential to the operational management of clinical services, including estimating costs and profits, planning and budgeting, analyzing new equipment purchases, using metrics to monitor operations, and working with financial statements.

To assist the learning process, this book includes critical concepts, practical scenarios, self-test questions, industry-practice sidebars, and a running glossary.

The second edition has been thoroughly updated, including its many real-world examples. In addition, a section on healthcare reform has been added that includes discussions of value-based purchasing, bundling, accountable care organizations, and medical homes. Additional features in the second edition include updated accounting coverage that conforms to the latest AICPA formats and a new student engagement tool, For Your Consideration sidebars, which present scenarios designed to make students think about current, sometimes controversial, issues.

About the Author

Louis C. Gapenski, PhD, is a professor of health services administration at the University of Florida with a specialization in corporate and healthcare finance. He is the author of 30 textbooks on corporate and healthcare finance. His books are used worldwide and include Canadian and international editions as well as translations in eight languages. He has published 40 journal articles related to corporate and healthcare finance and is active in several professional associations.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Healthcare Finance
  • Healthcare Business Basics
  • Paying for Health Services
  • Estimating Costs
  • Pricing Decisions and Profit Analysis
  • Planning and Budgeting
  • Managing Financial Operations
  • Business Financing and the Cost of Capital
  • Capital Investment Decision Basics
  • Project Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis
  • Reporting Profits
  • Peporting Assets, Financing, and Cash Flows
  • Assessing Financial Condition


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