Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, Second Edition

  • 8h 13m
  • Mark L. Gillenson
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2012

What does database management have to do with ducks? A lot more than you might think. Ducks Unlimited, the world’s largest wetlands conservation organization, relies on a major relational database application to manage both the operational and financial aspects of its wetlands conservation projects.

This is just one of the many exciting, real-world examples of database management you’ll find in Mark Gillenson’s FUNDAMENTAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Offering a highly focused and applied approach, this new text will help you master the fundamentals of database management, so you can immediately apply what you’ve learned to real business situations.


  • This compact, practical introduction emphasizes fundamental database concepts and presents them in a clear, easy-to-understand way.
  • Coverage starts with basic concepts of data, and then proceeds in a step-by-step manner to present all of the major aspects of database management.
  • A complete chapter covers data retrieval with SQL, which is applicable to Oracle, Microsoft Access, and all other relational database management systems.
  • Every chapter starts with a short story, complete with a photo, of how real company use database for a real application. Throughout, the text makes heavy use of examples, including four major examples that are repeatedly used to drive home key concepts.

About the Author

Dr. Mark L. Gillenson has been practicing, researching, teaching, writing, and, most importantly, thinking, about data and database management for over twentyfive years, split between working for the IBM Corporation and being a professor in the academic world. While working for IBM, he designed databases for IBM’s corporate headquarters, consulted on database issues for some of IBM’s largest customers, taught database management at the prestigious IBM Systems Research Institute in New York, and conducted database seminars throughout the United States and on four continents. In one such seminar, he taught introduction to database to an IBM development group that went on to develop one of IBM’s first relational database management system products, SQL/DS.

Dr. Gillenson conducted some of the earliest studies on data and database administration and has written extensively about the subject as well as about database design. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Database Management, with which he has been associated since its inception. This is his third book on database management, all published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. He has also written Strategic Planing, Systems Analysis, and Database Design (1984) with Robert Goldberg and Database Step-by-Step (1985, 1990). Dr. Gillenson is currently a professor of MIS in the Fogelman College of Business and Economics of The University of Memphis. His degrees are from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and The Ohio State University. Oh, and speaking of interesting kinds of data, as a graduate student Dr. Gillenson invented the world’s first computerized facial compositor and codeveloped an early computer graphics system that, among other things, was used to produce some of the special effects in the first Star Wars movie.

In this Book

  • Data—The New Corporate Resource
  • Data Modeling
  • The Database Management System Concept
  • Relational Data Retrieval—SQL
  • The Relational Database Model—Introduction
  • The Relational Database Model—Additional Concepts
  • Logical Database Design
  • Physical Database Design
  • Object-Oriented Database Management
  • Data Administration, Database Administration, and Data Dictionaries
  • Database Control Issues—Security, Backup and Recovery, Concurrency
  • Client/Server Database and Distributed Database
  • The Data Warehouse
  • Databases and the Internet