Fundamentals of Business Writing

  • 2h 24m
  • Joseph C. Mancuso, Yvonne V. Chabrier
  • 1992

A ground-breaking approach to writing with a greater focus on planning and revising documents.

When you complete this course, you will know how to write with clarity and style, so your ideas come across clearly and quickly. You’ll become a sharp-eyed critic, constantly spurring yourself to do better. Best of all, you’ll learn by doing—by building and evaluating your own business letter. You’ll discover how to avoid writer's block by making writing a process with a beginning, middle, and end.

Course Objective: Develop a process for clear and effective business writing by focusing on planning and revising documents.

Selected Learning Objectives

  • Sharpen your competitive edge through good, clear writing
  • Make sure your written words say exactly what you mean
  • Identify words and phrases that get in the way of clear, concise communication
  • Quickly analyze, organize, write, and revise any document
  • Use expressive words; keep sentences and paragraphs short; keep thoughts simple
  • Use techniques that involve the reader and create the feeling of personal communication
  • Format documents so they're inviting to look at and easy to read

In this Book

  • Introduction to the Business Writing Process
  • Step I: Analyze Your Purpose and Audience
  • Step II: Organize the Document, Part I
  • Step II: Organize the Document, Part II
  • Step III: Write Your Draft
  • Step IV: Revise Your Writing—An Overview
  • Step IV: Revise Your Writing: Format the Document
  • Step IV: Revise Your Writing: Streamline Sentences
  • Step IV: Revise Your Writing: Clarify Subjects and Verbs
  • Step IV: Revise Your Writing: Correct Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Typing Errors
  • Step IV: Revise Your Writing: The Final Task