Full-Spectrum Strategic Leadership: Being on the Cutting Edge through Innovative Solutions, Integrated Systems, and Enduring Relationships

  • 6h 12m
  • David L. Rainey
  • Information Age Publishing
  • 2014

Full-Spectrum Strategic Leadership: Being on the Cutting Edge through Innovative Solutions, Integrated Systems, and Enduring Relationships articulates how strategic leaders, senior managers, business professionals, aspiring young business leaders, and management students can make dramatic improvements in their endeavors, enrich their knowledge and capabilities, and learn the essential perspectives of strategic leadership and management. In today's world, strategic leaders regardless of venue have to be confident in their aspirations, holistic in their perspectives, proactive in their strategies and actions, and lead change ahead of the prevailing driving forces. Full-spectrum strategic leadership (FSL) is about being on the cutting edge and leading from the front and ahead of changes in the business environment. It involves creating unique solutions, developing effective and efficient systems, and building enduring relationships with people. Astute strategic leader embrace opportunities, overcome challenges, and eliminate threats before others are even aware of the underpinnings of change. They are capable, confident, and courageous when developing and deploying strategic innovations. Strategic innovations are essential in creating sustainable success and extraordinary outcomes. The book examines cutting-edge leadership and management constructs and practices. It describes how to create value across space and time and how to sustain success in a more turbulent and global business world. It explores how to lead change through insights, imagination, and innovativeness. It describes what a solution is and how to design, develop, validate, and deploy solutions that are on the cutting edge. It details how to establish integrated value systems that are inclusive and how to build enduring relationships. The book describes theories, constructs, models, insights, and practices based on multifaceted perspectives and holistic management. Given the current level of obsolesces in theories and practices in today's business world, FSL presents cutting-edge leadership and management constructs for becoming more sophisticated and successful in a turbulent business world. Given the prevailing business realities, strategic leaders are creating, innovating, developing, improving, growing, and sustaining success or they are falling hopelessly behind. FSL is the never-ending desire to accomplish more and provide more beneficial outcomes for people. It is based on the recognition that good is never good enough, that the needs, wants, and expectations of tomorrow are expected to be more challenging than those of today, and that strategic leaders have to provide solutions to the myriad of problems, concerns and issues. It is also based on the multifaceted perspective that such challenges are really opportunities for excelling and creating value for everyone. Truly great strategic leaders provide solutions and systems that maximize the positives and minimize the negatives. They embrace corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and sustainable success. Truly great leaders make the world a better place.

About the Author

Dr. David L. Rainey is an internationally known author, educator, academic leader, and business consultant. He is a leading authority on sustainable development, strategic leadership, strategic management, technological innovation, product development, and energy management. He is a strategist and pragmatist working at the intersection of leadership, strategy, innovation, systems, and solutions pertaining to the opportunities and challenges in today’s turbulent business environment.

In this Book

  • Full-Spectrum Strategic Leadership—Being on the Cutting Edge through Innovative Solutions, Integrated Systems, and Enduring Relationships
  • Introduction
  • Full-Spectrum Strategic Leadership
  • The Driving Forces of Change and the Influences of the Business Environment
  • Leading Change through Insightfulness
  • Crafting Solutions through Innovativeness
  • Shaping Systems through Inclusiveness
  • Building Relationships through Connectedness
  • High-Level Strategic Innovations
  • Business Model Innovation
  • Sustainable Success and Concluding Comments
  • Glossary


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