Full Engagement!: Inspire, Motivate, and Bring Out the Best in Your People

  • 3h 30m
  • Brian Tracy
  • 2011

How do you light a fire under every employee? Brian Tracy, the Master of Motivation, shows how!

In these tough economic times, everyone is expected to produce more with less. And yet, studies have shown that on average, employees are working at only a fraction of their potential. What are managers to do? How can they inspire their people to perform at their absolute best?

Whatever the situation, a good manager can quickly organize a group of average performers into a high-functioning team capable of achieving tremendous results for the company. The secret is knowing how—and anyone can learn.

In Full Engagement!, business success expert Brian Tracy shows managers how they can supercharge their employees’ efforts.

Packed with powerful, practical ideas and strategies, this eye-opening guide explains how to:

  • Unlock the potential of each person
  • Motivate and inspire employees to peak performance
  • Trigger the “X Factor” that maximizes productivity
  • Drive out the fears that hold people back
  • Create a high-trust work environment
  • Set clear goals and objectives
  • Recognize, reward, and reinforce in a way that energizes every employee

A manager’s role is to achieve the highest possible return on the physical, emotional, and mental effort that his or her people put forth. It’s not a return on investment…it’s a return on energy. And when managers fail at that, they fail at their own job.

With this essential guide, all managers can now hold the keys to unlocking superstar performance from their teams

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: Happy for Good Reasons
  • Chapter Two: The Psychology of Motivation
  • Chapter Three: Ignite the Flame of Personal Performance
  • Chapter Four: Make People Feel Important
  • Chapter Five: Drive Out Fear
  • Chapter Six: Create That Winning Feeling
  • Chapter Seven: Select the Right People
  • Chapter Eight: Results Are Everything
  • Chapter Nine: Be the Best You Can Be


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