• 4h 47m
  • Markus Knasmüller
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2004

Driven by the year-2000 problem, the hordes of COBOL developers experienced a renaissance, but the times when COBOL was state-of-the-art are long gone. Object-orientation, application servers, web front-ends, and relational database systems dominate the scene for new projects today. The fact remains however, that millions of lines of source code written in the structured programming language COBOL work daily on computer systems all over the world. One problem that COBOL developers have to deal with on these new projects is familiarity with object-oriented concepts. Markus Knasmüller, rich with experiences of OO projects in COBOL development teams, offers a successful introduction for the experienced COBOL programmer. A careful approach across techniques familiar to COBOL developers and discussions of current standards make this book easily accessible and understandable.

  • A nuts and bolts approach to introducing the experienced COBOL programmer to OOP techniques.
  • Written independently from any specific programming environment, and all programming examples written in both Delphi and Java.
  • Detailed case study describing the successful migration of 10 million lines of COBOL code to object-oriented programming.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Programming as an Engineering Discipline
  • Basics
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • True Object-Oriented Programming
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Databases
  • Graphical User Interfaces
  • COBOL to OOP in Practice


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