Formative Assessment, Learning Data Analytics and Gamification: In ICT Education

  • 8h 1m
  • Robert Clarisó, Santi Caballé
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2016

Formative Assessment, Learning Data Analytics and Gamification: An ICT Education discusses the challenges associated with assessing student progress given the explosion of e-learning environments, such as MOOCs and online courses that incorporate activities such as design and modeling. This book shows educators how to effectively garner intelligent data from online educational environments that combine assessment and gamification.

This data, when used effectively, can have a positive impact on learning environments and be used for building learner profiles, community building, and as a tactic to create a collaborative team. Using numerous illustrative examples and theoretical and practical results, leading international experts discuss application of automatic techniques for e-assessment of learning activities, methods to collect, analyze, and correctly visualize learning data in educational environments, applications, benefits and challenges of using gamification techniques in academic contexts, and solutions and strategies for increasing student participation and performance.

  • Discusses application of automatic techniques for e-assessment of learning activities
  • Presents strategies to provide immediate and useful feedback on students’ activities
  • Provides methods to collect, analyze, and correctly visualize learning data in educational environments
  • Explains the applications, benefits, and challenges of using gamification techniques in academic contexts
  • Offers solutions to increase students’ participation and performance while lowering drop-out rates and retention levels

About the Authors

Dr. Santi Caballé is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). His research interests are Software Engineering and Web-applications for collaborative Work. He has presented at over 100 well-established international conferences and workshops such as the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems and the Fourth International Workshop on Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches (ALICE 2014) As part of his work in collaborative learning and computational intelligence he has edited nine books and dozens of journal articles.

Dr. Robert Clarisó is an Associate Professor of IT, Multimedia and Telecommunications Department at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). His current research interests include research interests include Formal Methods, Software Engineering and Tools for E-Learning. He currently serves as Academic Director of Computing Engineering.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Collaborative e-Assessment as a Strategy for Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning in Higher Education
  • Towards an Adaptive e-Assessment System Based on Trustworthiness
  • e-Assessment for Skill Acquisition in Online Engineering Education—Challenges and Opportunities
  • Evaluation Model for e-Assessment
  • Confidence and Learning—Affective and Cognitive Aspects in Online Mathematics with Automatic Feedback
  • Teaching and Learning Methods at the Open University of Japan—Transition from the Broadcasting Model to a More Personalized Learning Model
  • An Assessment Analytics Framework (AAF) for Enhancing Students’ Progress
  • Automating Learner Feedback in an eTextbook for Data Structures and Algorithms Courses
  • Creating University Analytical Information Systems—A Grand Challenge for Information Systems Research
  • Methodology of Predictive Modeling of Students’ Behavior in Virtual Learning Environment
  • A Review of Emotion-Aware Systems for e-Learning in Virtual Environments
  • LudifyME—An Adaptive Learning Model Based on Gamification
  • κPAX—Experiences on Designing a Gamified Platform for Serious Gaming
  • An Attrition Model for MOOCs—Evaluating the Learning Strategies of Gamification
  • Conversational Agents as Learning Facilitators—Experiences with a Mobile Multimodal Dialogue System Architecture


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