Followership: What It Takes to Lead
- 1h 29m
- James H. Schindler
- Business Expert Press
- 2015
Every leader is also a follower. Both good leaders and good followers exhibit many of the same characteristics. Both think for themselves, both are active in the leadership process, and both exhibit positive energy. Traditionally, leadership classes and leadership development programs devote little time and attention to developing effective follower skills because most organizational leaders erroneously assume that employees know how to follow. This book takes a look at both current leadership and followership theories and describes how to apply them in an organizational setting. The book also provides an overview of what it means to be a good follower and provides a roadmap of how to develop followership skills that can easily be translated to leadership skills as the need arises. Generally, there is a negative connotation of the term followership due to a lack of understanding of the topic of followership. This lack of understanding has frequently caused leaders to overlook followership as a necessary part of a successful organization. Increasing awareness of followership processes within the organizational context will lead to improved leadership and improved organizational performance. This book will aid in the development of those great followers who are great employees who in-turn will possess the skills necessary to become great leaders. This book is intended for a broad audience including both students and practitioners of Leadership.
About the Author
James H. Schindler is a professor of business administration at Columbia Southern University. He graduated from the University of South Alabama with a BS in Biology and Chemistry. After graduation, he went to the USAF Officer Training School. Before leaving the USAF, he served at Maxwell AFB, AL, teaching leadership and communication skills at the Air University. While on active duty, he earned his MS in personnel management from Troy University Montgomery. He went on to earn a DBA degree with a concentration in leadership from Walden University.
In this Book
Introduction to Leadership Theory
Followership Theory
Preparation for the Job
Understanding What Is Required
The Three "I"s of Initiative
Positive Attitude
Problem Solving