Fog Computing: Theory and Practice

  • 10h 30m
  • Albert Y. Zomaya (eds), Assad Abbas, Samee U. Khan
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2020

Summarizes the current state and upcoming trends within the area of fog computing

Written by some of the leading experts in the field, Fog Computing: Theory and Practice focuses on the technological aspects of employing fog computing in various application domains, such as smart healthcare, industrial process control and improvement, smart cities, and virtual learning environments. In addition, the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication methods for fog computing environments are covered in depth.

Presented in two parts—Fog Computing Systems and Architectures, and Fog Computing Techniques and Application—this book covers such important topics as energy efficiency and Quality of Service (QoS) issues, reliability and fault tolerance, load balancing, and scheduling in fog computing systems. It also devotes special attention to emerging trends and the industry needs associated with utilizing the mobile edge computing, Internet of Things (IoT), resource and pricing estimation, and virtualization in the fog environments.

  • Includes chapters on deep learning, mobile edge computing, smart grid, and intelligent transportation systems beyond the theoretical and foundational concepts
  • Explores real-time traffic surveillance from video streams and interoperability of fog computing architectures
  • Presents the latest research on data quality in the IoT, privacy, security, and trust issues in fog computing

Fog Computing: Theory and Practice provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students from computer science, computer engineering, and various other disciplines to gain a deep understanding of fog computing.

About the Authors

Assad Abbas, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan. He is a member of IEEE and IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN).

Samee U. Khan, PhD, is the Walter B. Booth Endowed Professor at the North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA, and is on the editorial boards of several leading journals.

Albert Y. Zomaya, PhD, is the Chair Professor of High Performance Computing & Networking in the School of Computer Science, The University of Sydney. He is also the Director of the Centre for Distributed and High Performance Computing.

In this Book

  • Acronyms
  • Mobile Fog Computing
  • Edge and Fog—A Survey, Use Cases, and Future Challenges
  • Deep Learning in the Era of Edge Computing—Challenges and Opportunities
  • Caching, Security, and Mobility in Content-Centric Networking
  • Security and Privacy Issues in Fog Computing
  • How Fog Computing Can Support Latency/Reliability-Sensitive IoT Applications—An Overview and a Taxonomy of State-of-the-Art Solutions
  • Harnessing the Computing Continuum for Programming Our World
  • Fog Computing for Energy Harvesting-Enabled Internet of Things
  • Optimizing Energy Efficiency of Wearable Sensors Using Fog-Assisted Control
  • Latency Minimization Through Optimal Data Placement in Fog Networks
  • Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Fog Environment Using FogNetSim++
  • Distributed Machine Learning for IoT Applications in the Fog
  • Fog Computing-Based Communication Systems for Modern Smart Grids
  • An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm to Optimize the Utility of Task Scheduling under Fog Computing Systems
  • Reliable and Power-Efficient Machine Learning in Wearable Sensors
  • Insights into Software-Defined Networking and Applications in Fog Computing
  • Time-Critical Fog Computing for Vehicular Networks
  • A Reliable and Efficient Fog-Based Architecture for Autonomous Vehicular Networks
  • Fog Computing to Enable Geospatial Video Analytics for Disaster-Incident Situational Awareness
  • An Insight into 5G Networks with Fog Computing
  • Fog Computing for Bioinformatics Applications


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