Focal Point: A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve All Your Goals

  • 2h 56m
  • Brian Tracy
  • 2002

Why are some people so remarkably successful? What makes their careers soar? And how do they still find so much time to spend on their personal lives? Bestselling author Brian Tracy shares the secrets to success.

When our "ordinary" neighbor, colleague, or cousin suddenly rockets to success, most of us chalk up their good fortune to pure luck, politics, or backbreaking work. But in most cases these factors have nothing to do with it.

Author Brian Tracy lets us in on the true secret of high achievers: They know how to find their focal point—the one thing they should do, at any given moment, to get the best possible results in each area of their lives. In this powerful guide, Tracy brings together the very best ideas on personal management into a simple, easy-to-use plan. Focal Point helps readers analyze their lives in seven key areas and shows them how to develop goals and plans in each.

This book answers those nagging questions that haunt us throughout our lives:

  • "How can I get control of my time and my life?"
  • "How can I achieve maximum career success and still balance my personal life?"
  • "How can I handle it all and still be happy and fulfilled?"

Tracy provides timeless truths that have been discovered by effective people throughout the ages. He shows how to develop absolute clarity about who you are, what you want, and exactly how you can move quickly toward accomplishing those goals that bring you the highest level of personal satisfaction. Readers who follow these simple steps will accomplish more in the next couple of years than most people achieve in a lifetime!

About the Author

Brian Tracy is one of the world’s most successful speakers and consultants on personal and professional development. Each year he addresses some 450,000 people in the United States and abroad. His corporate clients have included IBM, McDonnell Douglas, Arthur Andersen, The Million Dollar Round Table, and dozens more. Brian Tracy is also the best-selling author of Maximum Achievement; Advanced Selling Strategies; The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires; Eat That Frog!; and The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success. His firm, Brian Tracy International is based in San Diego, California, with affiliates across the U.S. and in 31 countries.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Unlock Your Full Potential
  • Double Your Productivity
  • Simplify Your Life
  • Tap Your Most Precious Resource
  • Practice Personal Strategic Planning
  • Supercharge Your Business and Career
  • Improve Your Family and Personal Life
  • Achieve Financial Independence
  • Enjoy Superb Health and Fitness
  • Become Everything You Are Capable of Becoming
  • Make a Difference in Your Community
  • Spiritual Development and Inner Peace
  • Seven Lessons for the Twenty-First Century
  • Focal Point Advanced Coaching and Mentoring Program


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