Finance Basics Secrets: The Experts Tell All!

  • 1h 8m
  • Stuart Warner
  • HarperCollins
  • 2010

The finance basics that experts and top professionals understand.

Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Finance. Includes how to:

  • Analyse a business from its financial reports
  • Understand a Profit and Loss account
  • Make sense of accounting jargon
  • Build a financially sound business plan
  • Deal with revenue, profit and cashflow

About the Author

Stuart Warner FCA is a chartered accountant with two decades of experience training both finance specialists and general managers. He is a director of Financial Fluency, and advises the board of one of the UK's top accounting institutes.

In this Book

  • Finance Basic Secrets—The experts tell all!
  • Financial awareness is fundamental to business success
  • Know the different business entities
  • Find out how a business gets money
  • Find out how a business uses money
  • Appreciate the need for record-keeping
  • Know what a finance department does
  • Understand the key financial systems
  • Differentiate financial and management accounting
  • Make sense of the jargon
  • Discover why timing is essential
  • Know about doubleentry bookkeeping
  • See how accounting systems work
  • Understand the balance sheet
  • Understand the income statement
  • Understand the statement of cash flows
  • Watch out for non-cash costs
  • Be aware of accounting regulation
  • Know who uses financial statements
  • Realize that not all ‘costs’ are the same
  • Know what is meant by ‘profit’
  • Differentiate mark-ups and margins
  • Consider the impact of discounting
  • Forecast costs, volumes and profit
  • Know when to use CVP analysis
  • Know how to manage profitability
  • Be aware of tax
  • Understand why cash is king
  • Avoid the overtrading trap
  • Understand the cash operating cycle
  • Measure the cash operating cycle
  • Improve cash flow – 1
  • Improve cash flow – 2
  • Collect cash from customers
  • Prepare regular cash flow forecasts
  • Understand budgets
  • Follow the steps for preparing budgets
  • Choose the best way to budget
  • Understand participative budgeting
  • Calculate variances from budget
  • Monitor budgets effectively
  • Focus on the relevant costs
  • Work out if an opportunity pays back
  • Calculate return on investment
  • Understand the time value of money
  • Use NPV and IRR to appraise investments
  • Evaluate a business using ratios
  • Measure profitability
  • Measure short-term solvency and liquidity
  • Measure long-term solvency and stability
  • Calculate investor ratios
  • Estimate the value of a business
  • Jargon buster
  • Further reading