Fast Satellite Attitude Maneuver and Control, First Edition
- 3h 26m
- Dong Ye, Yan Xiao, You Li
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2022
Fast Satellite Attitude Maneuver and Control introduces the concept of agile satellites and corresponding fast maneuver attitude control systems, systematically and comprehensively presenting recent research results of fast maneuver attitude control for agile satellites by using advanced nonlinear control techniques. This reference book focuses on modeling and attitude control, considering different actuator combinations, actuator installation deviation, actuator fault, and flexible appendage coupling effect for agile satellites. The book provides a unified platform for understanding and applicability of agile satellites fast maneuverer and stabilization control for different purposes. It will be an excellent resource for researchers working on spacecraft design, nonlinear control systems, vehicle systems and complex control systems.
About the Author
Dong Ye is a Professor at the School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute, in China. His research interests include spacecraft dynamics and control and hardware-in-the-loop simulation technique.
You Li graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2017, and now is a Lecturer at the School of Aerospace Science and Technology, Xidian University, in China. His work is mainly focusing on satellite attitude control, especially on satellite attitude fast maneuver.
Yan Xiao received his Ph.D. degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) and now is an Assistant Professor at the School of Astronautics, HIT. His current research interests include nonlinear control, spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, coordination control, etc.
In this Book
Mathematical Model and Basic Control Theory
Near Time-Optimal Control Based on Analytical Trajectory Planning
Time-Efficient Robust PID plus Control with Constraints
Bang–Bang Logic-Based Time-Efficient Sliding Mode Control
Robust Finite-Time Control Based on Three-Stage Structure-Sliding Mode
Finite-Time Output Feedback Attitude Control
Observer-Based Continuous Finite-Time Attitude Control
Neural Network-Based Finite-Time Fault-Tolerant Attitude Control
Hybrid Thrusters and Reaction Wheel-Based Attitude Control
Finite-Time Attitude Control with Hybrid Actuators
A Control Allocation Approach for Hybrid Actuators
Conclusions and Future Works