eXtreme Project Management: Using Leadership, Principles, and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility

  • 8h 36m
  • Doug DeCarlo
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2004

Today’s new breed, eXtreme projects are different. They feature high speed, high change, high complexity, high risk, and high stress. While traditional projects follow the classic model of ready—aim—fire, eXtreme project managers succeed by shooting the gun and then redirecting the bullet while not losing sight of their moving target.

eXtreme Project Management provides a practical guide for leaders working under high risk and high pressure while producing the desired bottom-line results. Based on Doug DeCarlo’s extensive experience in working with more than 250 project teams, his eXtreme project management model is built around an integrated set of principles, values, skills, tools, and practices proven to consistently work under conditions of rapid change and uncertainty.

eXtreme project management is based on the premise that you don’t manage the unknown the same way you manage the known. It’s a people-centric approach to high performance that makes quality of life a fundamental part of the project venture.

Throughout the book, eXtreme Project Management shows project managers, sponsors, and executives how to keep projects in control and deliver business value in the face of volatility by

  • Developing a change-tolerant, quantum mind-set
  • Applying principles of self-mastery
  • Gaining and sustaining commitment to the project mission
  • Unleashing motivation and innovation
  • Establishing trust and confidence
  • Implementing a flexible project management model
  • Establishing a real-time communications infrastructure
  • Minimizing bureaucracy
  • Improving organizational agility

eXtreme project management is a dynamic and exhilarating model for any kind of project that features high doses of speed and volatility, and where failure is not an option.

About the Author

Doug DeCarlo is principal of the Doug DeCarlo Group. He works with organizations that undertake projects in demanding environments: settings that feature high speed, high change, and high uncertainty, where the mind-set and bureaucratic approaches of traditional project management often stifle performance and morale.

His work has earned him international recognition as a consultant, keynote speaker, trainer, coach, facilitator, and columnist. He helps clients to produce immediate and sustainable results by applying proven practices in self-mastery, project management, team leadership, and grassroots organizational change. His approach to project management and self-mastery is set out in Chapter Seven in the landmark The World Class Project Manager: A Professional Development Guide, by James Lewis and Robert Wysocki.

DeCarlo is also a senior consultant on agile project management for the Cutter Consortium and an advisory board member and columnist for projectconnections.com, and he has served on the advisory board of ProjectWorld as well as being a member of the project management advisory group for George Washington University.

DeCarlo is noted for his innovative, motivational, and entertaining keynote speeches in which he plays live percussion instruments to illustrate the dynamics of today's eXtreme projects.

In this Book

  • eXtreme Project Management—Using Leadership, Principles, and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility
  • Foreword
  • Introduction-Into the Light
  • Developing a Quantum Mind-Set for an eXtreme Reality
  • The eXtreme Model for Success
  • Leadership Begins with Self-Mastery
  • The eXtreme Project Manager's Leadership Role
  • Principles, Values, and Interpersonal Skills for Leading
  • Leading the eXtreme Team
  • eXtreme Stakeholder Management
  • Visionate Capturing the Sponsor's Vision
  • Visionate: Establishing the Collective Vision
  • Speculate: The Planning Meeting
  • Speculate: Postplanning Work
  • Innovate: Learning by Doing
  • Reevaluate: Deciding the Project's Future
  • Disseminate: Harvesting the Payoff
  • Real-Time Communication
  • Agile Organization: A Senior Management Briefing
  • Afterword
  • eXtreme Tools and Techniques
  • References