Expert F# 4.0, Fourth Edition
- 10h 14m
- Adam Granicz, Antonio Cisternino, Don Syme
- Apress
- 2015
Learn from F#'s inventor to become an expert in the latest version of this powerful programming language so you can seamlessly integrate functional, imperative, object-oriented, and query programming style flexibly and elegantly to solve any programming problem. Expert F# 4.0 will help you achieve unrivaled levels of programmer productivity and program clarity across multiple platforms including Windows, Linux, Android, OSX, and iOS as well as HTML5 and GPUs.
F# 4.0 is a mature, open source, cross-platform, functional-first programming language which empowers users and organizations to tackle complex computing problems with simple, maintainable, and robust code.
Expert F# 4.0 is:
- A comprehensive guide to the latest version of F# by the inventor of the language
- A treasury of F# techniques for practical problem-solving
- An in-depth case book of F# applications and F# 4.0 concepts, syntax, and features
Written by F#'s inventor and two major F# community members, Expert F# 4.0 is a comprehensive and in-depth guide to the language and its use. Designed to help others become experts, the book quickly yet carefully describes the paradigms supported by F# language, and then shows how to use F# elegantly for a practical web, data, parallel and analytical programming tasks.
The world's experts in F# show you how to program in F# the way they do!
About the Author
Don Syme is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, and the main designer of F#. Since joining Microsoft Research in 1998, he has been a seminal contributor to a wide variety of leading-edge projects, including generics in C# and the .NET Common Language Runtime, F# itself, F# asynchronous programming, and units of measure in F#. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory in 1999.
Adam Granicz is the chief executive officer of IntelliFactory, the leading provider of F# training, development and consulting services, and technologies that enable rapid functional, reactive web development. He has over eight years of experience applying F# in commercial projects, and works on WebSharper, IntelliFactory’s web development platform that offers unrivaled productivity, a uniform programming model based on F#, and the fastest way to develop robust, client-based rich Internet and mobile applications. Adam is an active F# evangelist, a regular F# author and speaker at development conferences and workshops, and serves on the steering committee of the Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) Workshop, representing the F# segment.
Antonio Cisternino is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa. His primary research is on scientific computing, meta-programming and domain-specific languages on virtual-machine-based execution environments. He has been active in the .NET community since 2001 and developed VSLab, a Microsoft Visual Studio add-in to support MATLAB-like programming in F# and Visual Studio. He is also author of annotated C#, an extension of C#, and Robotics4.NET, a framework for programming robots with Microsoft .NET. Cisternino holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pisa.
In this Book
Your First F# Program: Getting Started with F#
Introducing Functional Programming
Introducing Imperative Programming
Understanding Types in Functional Programming
Programming with Objects
Encapsulating and Organizing Your Code
Working with Textual Data
Working with Sequences and Tree-Structured Data
Numeric Programming and Charting
Reactive, Asynchronous, and Parallel Programming
Symbolic Programming with Structured Data
Integrating External Data and Services
Building Smart Web Applications
Visualization and Graphical User Interfaces
Language-Oriented Programming
Libraries and Interoperability
Developing and Testing F# Code
Designing F# Libraries