Excel for Scientists & Engineers

  • 1h 44m
  • Gerard M. Verschuuren
  • Tickling Keys
  • 2005

For scientists and engineers tired of trying to learn Excel with examples from accounting, this self-paced tutorial is loaded with informative samples from the world of science and engineering. Techniques covered include creating a multifactorial or polynomial trendline, generating random samples with various characteristics, and tips on when to use PEARSON instead of CORREL. Other science- and engineering-related Excel features such as making columns touch each other for a histogram, unlinking a chart from its data, and pivoting tables to create frequency distributions are also covered.

About the Author

Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren is a Microsoft Certified Professional specialized in VB, VBA, and VB.NET. He has more than 20 years of experience in teaching at colleges and corporations.

Dr. Verschuuren holds Master's degrees in Biology (Human Genetics) and in Philosophy, plus a Doctorate in the Philosophy of Science from Universities in Europe.

He is the author of Life Scientists, Their Convictions, Their Activities, and Their Values (1995, Genesis Publishing Company), and is also the author behind the Visual Learning Series (MrExcel.com).

In this Book

  • General Techniques
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Plotting Graphs
  • Regression Analysis
  • Complex Functions
  • Data Analysis


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