Excel 2010 Made Simple

  • 4h 17m
  • Abbott Katz
  • Springer
  • 2011

Get the most out of Excel 2010 with Excel 2010 Made Simple—learn the key features, understand what’s new, and utilize dozens of time-saving tips and tricks to get your job done. Over 500 screen visuals and clear-cut instructions guide you through the features of Excel 2010, from formulas and charts to navigating around a worksheet and understanding Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and macros.

Excel 2010 Made Simple takes a practical and highly effective approach to using Excel 2010, showing you the best way to complete your most common spreadsheet tasks. You'll learn how to input, format, sort, and filter your data to find out what you want to know. You'll see how to place your data in tables and named ranges for easy access, all of which will get you working efficiently and productively.

Excel 2010 Made Simple also covers the new features introduced in Excel 2010. For instance, it shows you how to use Sparklines for data comparison and the Backstage view for printing and sharing your spreadsheets, so you can carry out your tasks with minimum fuss. The hands-on focus on tasks means you'll see how to actually use Excel 2010 to suit your needs.

What you’ll learn

  • How to do efficient and complex data entry
  • How to format your data
  • How to write basic—and not so basic—formulas
  • How to use Excel's database capabilities, including PivotTables
  • How to create colorful, meaningful charts
  • How to create basic macros and how to use them
  • How to use new Excel 2010 features, such as Sparklines and the Backstage view

About the Author

Abbott Katz, author of Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010, brings extensive Microsoft Office instructional experience to the task, having trained users of the suite’s components in varied academic and corporate settings. He has a doctorate in sociology and wide-ranging writing experience as well. Abbott has composed, and continue to compose, numerous complex spreadsheets, twinning technical fluency with the imagination to realize Excel’s potential in a diverse array of settings.

In this Book

  • Quick Start Guide
  • Introducing Excel 2010
  • Getting Around the Worksheet and Data Entry
  • Editing Data
  • Number Crunching 101: Functions, Formulas, and Ranges
  • For Appearance's Sake: Formatting Your Data
  • Charting Your Data
  • Sorting and Filtering Your Data: Excel's Database Features
  • PivotTables: Data Aggregation Without the Aggravation
  • Managing Your Workbook
  • Printing Your Worksheets: Hard Copies Made Easy
  • Automating Your Work with Macros


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