Ethics in Action for Sustainable Development

  • 9h 53m
  • Anthony Annett, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Jesse Thorson, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Owen Flanagan, William Vendley
  • De Gruyter Inc
  • 2022

This book presents an in-depth and deeply engaged conversation among interfaith religious leaders and interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners in pursuit of an ethical consensus that could ground sustainable development efforts.

About the Author

Jeffrey D. Sachs is University Professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University as well as president of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and he has been an advisor to three UN secretaries-general.

Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo is a Catholic bishop of the Diocese of Vescovio, Italy, and former chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences.

Owen Flanagan is James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and codirector of the Center for Comparative Philosophy at Duke University.

William Vendley is secretary general emeritus of Religions for Peace International and vice president and senior advisor for religion at the Fetzer Institute.

Anthony Annett is a Gabelli Fellow at Fordham University and senior adviser at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Jesse Thorson is program manager at the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University’s Earth Institute.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • The Vision and Values of the Sustainable Development Goals
  • A Social Movement to Make the Last First
  • Virtues Across Traditions: Common Ground?
  • Secular Ethics, Moral Capital, and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • The Current Resurgence of Interest in the Civil Economy Paradigm
  • The Confucian Conception of the Common Good in Contemporary China
  • Hinduism: “Consider the common good in all actions”
  • Judaism and the Common Good
  • Buddhism and the Common Good
  • Greek Orthodoxy and the Common Good: Adapted by and With Contributions from Jesse Thorson
  • Catholicism and the Common Good
  • Islam and the Common Good
  • Ethics in Action to End Poverty: Consensus Statement
  • The Challenge of Global Poverty
  • Ethical Actions to End Poverty
  • Community-Based Poverty Reduction
  • Judaism and Poverty
  • Ethics in Action for Sustainable and Integral Development on Peace: Consensus Statement
  • On Peace and a Moral Framework for Statecraft
  • Advancing Shared Well-Being as a Multireligious Vision of Positive Peace
  • Building Peace: Strategies, Resources, and Religions
  • Ethics in Action: Statement on Migration
  • The Drivers of Migration
  • A Muslim Perspective on Refugees
  • Migration and Refugees: A Christian Perspective
  • Ethics in Action: Businesses as Agents of Sustainable Development
  • Toward a Laudato Si’ Coherent Corporate Responsibility Management
  • Sustainable Investment and Ethics in Action
  • The Case for Business in Achieving the SDGs
  • Declaration of the Ethics in Action Meeting on Education
  • The Challenge of Education
  • What Will it Take to Meet the Sustainable Development Goal for Education?
  • “Only Connect”: Neuroscience, Technology, and Global Literacy
  • Ethics in Action: Climate Justice
  • Climate Disruption: A Personal Journey Into the Ethical and Moral Issues
  • The Religious Case for Environmental Care
  • Health Justice is Climate Justice
  • Environmental Injustice: How Treaties Undermine the Right to a Healthy Environment
  • Ethics in Action and Divestment
  • Ethics in Action on Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Access to Justice for the Poor and Vulnerable
  • Actualizing Justice for the Poor
  • Multireligious Action Against Modern Slavery and Trafficking
  • Violence Against the Poor and Ethics in Action
  • Declaration by Ethics in Action on the SDGS and the Magisterium of Pope Francis for Indigenous Peoples
  • Care of the Earth, Care of the Soul: Indigenous Communities and Inner Climate Change
  • Practical Approaches to Sustainable Development in Indigenous Communities and Traditional Populations of the Amazon
  • Ethics in Action on Corruption: Consensus Statement
  • Understanding and Combatting Corruption
  • The Role of Institutions in Fighting Corruption
  • Ethics in Action on the Future of Work
  • Unions and the Future of Work
  • The Coming AI Revolution: Is This Time Different?
  • Slow But Sure: Cooperatives and Integral Ecology
  • The End of Work as we Know It: A Muslim Perspective
  • Conclusion: Toward a Moral Economy
  • Contributors